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Friday, December 31, 2010

See Musings of a procrastinating author Blog. . Hilldred, I think it’s a contraption of Hilarious and Dreadful, she says authors should be achieving 1667 words per day to achieve the desired book output. Outrageous, I think one must work at a more reasoned, cautious speed if one is not to exceed one’s one speed limit. Mine sometimes equates to 50 or so, other days it’s even better …butt, never 1667. Yada Yada Yada as they say in Afghanistan, or was it Vietnam. Yes it was there, on a windy knoll surrounded by elephant grass, and the zing of AK-47 bullets that inspiration came. Perhaps it would be remembered better as Forest Gump’s girlfriend misquoted it … “Run! Through the forest, run!” Another expresso might cure this style of writing of mine, but certainly the pressure of a 1667 word day won’t. Yipers! Ok, I know I misspelled a word, but I felt Hilarious and was trying to pull a Sarah Palin. You Betcha!

Hilldred stated on her blog, and this bears repeating, … “I was supposed to be writing a novel, but then I saw a shiny thing.” I can think of nothing more appropriate, and worthy of contemplation. Oops, did I just get distracted?

Inside flap - What can that mean????

Shimi Wazu, Conichiwah, Ohio Gamamazu!  That comes from my class in Ninja … see - terrific, especially the routine patterned after Gilbert and Sullivan’s “I am the very model of a modern Major General” from HMS Pinafore. Good fun, and such imagination.  … or try DR Tran (Caution, this may be over the top.) Also see Mordin sings Scientist Salarian… 

Trolls, Ninjas, Jinn, especially the Jinn … they have provided spiritual and life modeling for DP Tolan. One could consider them a vital life force, as perhaps geomancy or the silence of the lemmings. Three cheers for Dodo birds!


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