Two other ideas I found on the Internet appealed to my sense of humor, incorporate on The Tessera Trilogy Blog segments on “Deleted scenes” from the book(s), and add “Character interviews.” The last especially sounds like I could put a spin on it. The idea didn’t fall far from the writing tree of this author.
Deleted from, or corrected in Golden Gate … I had erroneously incorporated a character with the rank of General in the first edition, and the same person as a Colonel later in the second novel. This was obviously bad form, and was corrected before REV D of the first book went out. I had also inserted a section from the third novel in the second, so that was corrected, as those characters would not have been alive at that point in the trilogy.
Stop using “I.”
The author supports - The masses, the people, the average Joe; the village; a free meal; birds, lizards and other natural critters; recycling; not using chemicals on lawns or gardens; trapping rainwater with a barrel; composting; universal health care; use of seat belts; and a draft … of beer, for the NFL, and for military service.
The investigation of marketing led to Wikipedia and its affiliate Wikibooks as a means to publish or offer the first two novels of The Tessera Trilogy ©. It turns out that Wikibooks is for textbooks that are open for review and allows users to edit the online texts. Since the trilogy is fiction, Wikibooks does not fit my marketing plan; further investigation must be undertaken to identify Internet identification and publicity.
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