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Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Tessera Trilogy Blog Post 165

Process –  Progress as determined by page count, word count and percent stands as follows: total pages down to 174; total word countdown down to 94.7 K, and percent is 56 percent. I continue to work several review segments simultaneously to maintain momentum.

A new assessment of progress showed me I was overly optimistic on progress. Kashan Kashmeeri won’t be ready until early in 2016.

Local Author support – Have signed up to participate in a local authors book fair at Lake of the Woods.

BAM 14 September 2015 critique comments

BAM member –
1.       Numerous editorial suggestions – agree, working
2.       Suggested restructured sentences on camouflage – disagree, would reduce realism, and less is not always more.
3.       Suggested removing First Sergeant comments on light, sunrise as a weapon – disagree, realistic tactical comment, and foreshadowing of bright fireworks in the night sky
4.       Questioned saying night was tangibly dark – metaphor for the intensity of mission flight in darkness. May consider changing adjective
5.       Questioned pilot talking of prayer rugs and flyby – disagree, black humor at edge of potential death
6.       Questioned whether paragraph on human response to strong stimuli made the peril real – disagree, accurately reflects thought process for evasive maneuvering out of a kill zone
7.       Questioned mention of “once you confirm targets” as an order to Sgt Hamdoun – disagree, friendlies are in field of fire
8.       Questioned usage of vague terms to describe specific events, “certain danger” – disagree.  May consider changing adjective

BAM member –
1.       Spell out “freq” – disagree, standard military usage
2.       Suggested adding dashes within “to-at-most” – will consider
3.       Suggested capitalizing “bedu”- disagree, would be Israeli slang usage, is Saudi usage
4.       Correct to wording you used – agree, working
5.       Minor editorial changes – agree
6.       This reads well – thanks
7.       Some scenes seem repetitive – agree, working
8.       Action was good - thanks

BAM member –
1.       Questioned use of “toughest muthas” – disagree, standard military braggadocio
2.       Minor editorial changes – agree
3.       Suggested including black and gray to describe firing of fireworks  – disagree, impossible to see in darkness, but need to reduce usage of white
4.       Reduce usage of pupils – agree, working
5.       Vary terminology for helo – agree, working
6.       Increase color variations described (white used too often) – agree, working
7.       Liked segment, was exciting - thanks

BAM member –
1.       Good sense of story, understood it - thanks
2.       Suggested adding pilot’s feelings as fireworks burst around him – agree, working
3.       Minor editorial changes – agree
4.       Good section, lots of action – thanks
5.       Good ending, a page turner – thanks
6.       Military action seemed realistic - thanks

BAM member –
1.       Very interesting action  - thanks
2.       Unclear if italics were personal thoughts – yes, usage as before
3.       Minor editorial changes – agree
4.       Suggested changing “muthas” to “mothers” – disagree, historical usage since sixties
5.       Nice page break – thanks, but was strictly Google Docs spacing effect
6.       Vivid description of helo crash – thanks
7.       Liked tension hook at end, keep reader engaged; a page turner - thanks

BAM member –
1.       Confused by use of capitalized military terms – typical aircraft orders
2.       Saw conflict between “”weapons” and “prayers” – agree, working
3.       Change usage of pupils – agree, working
4.       Confused by whether characters were Israeli or Saudi – disagree, explained before reading
5.       Minor editorial changes – agree
6.       Not familiar with “Galil” – Israeli assault rifle
7.       Not clear where action was taking place - explained before reading, working to improve
8.       Placement of Captain Katz’ thoughts awkward – working

BAM member –
1.       Good action, some detail missing - thanks
2.       Suggested changing some dialogue – disagree, fits psyche of commandoes for dark humor
3.       Suggested inclusion of sounds, smells from bursts of fireworks – disagree, helo doors closed in flight
4.       Minor editorial changes – agree
5.       Suggested including feel and balance of helo during maneuvers, being hit by fireworks – working
6.       Suggested splitting up a paragraph for reader tension – agree
7.       Suggested changing “inbound” to “enroute” – disagree, appropriate terminology
8.       Good ending – thanks
9.       Add rescue team reaction to fireworks – agree, working

BAM member –
1.       End of first paragraph a bit telegraphic – disagree, following aircraft communications sequence
2.       Minor editorial changes – agree
3.       Questioned usage and location of First Sergeant’s prayer – working
4.       Tighten up usage of pupils – agree, working
5.       Suggested making Captain Katz’ thought to italics – agree, working

BAM member (new member) –
1.       No written comments
2.       Too military, mechanical – disagree, genre requirement
3.       Liked portion on limits of human reaction to stimuli - thanks

BAM member –
1.       Good ending (tension hook) – thanks
2.       Hard to follow who was doing what to whom
3.       Reads well - thanks

4.       No written comments

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