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Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Tessera Trilogy Blog Post 164

Process –  Progress as determined by page count, word count and percent stands as follows: total pages up to 180; total word countdown up to 97 K, and percent is 53 percent. I continue to work several review segments simultaneously to maintain momentum. A new assessment of progress showed me I was overly optimistic on progress. Kashan Kashmeeri won’t be ready until early in 2016.

Huzza!  Huzza! Huzza… or words to that effect. On checking the status of my account I found that I am now due my first royalty payment. Oh be still my heart. The amount will not begin to let me recover the sums I’ve spent on paper, ink cartridges, nor the years of effort. But oh so happy am I. Thank you readers for your interest.

Local Author support – Have signed up to participate in a local authors book fair at Lake of the Woods.

Besides the specific comments and suggestions below, the reviewers generally mentioned that my style of writing had improved greatly over the previous year. Gratifying.

RWG 12 September 2015 critique comments

RWG member  –
1.       Your writing is more human, personal – thanks
2.       Suggested having helos “rose” vice “raised” - agree
3.       Good flow – thanks
4.       Good dialogue – thanks
5.       Suggested inclusion of quote from Psalm 118 – will consider
6.       Minor editorial changes – agree

RWG member  –
1.       Like the action, humor - thanks
2.       Good balance of action and dialogue – thanks
3.       Unfamiliar with the jargin, but understood the story – thanks
4.       Great details – thanks
5.       Unfamiliar with “helo” – helicopter

RWG member  –
1.       Very interesting action  - thanks
2.       Suggested inclusion of quote from Psalm 118 – will consider
3.       Have pilots say “Roger” – agree, working
4.       Minor editorial changes – agree
5.       Suggested shorter sentences – agree, working

RWG member  –
1.       Good sense of story, understood it - thanks
2.       Was showing, not telling - thanks
3.       Remove unnecessary words, adverbs, shorten sentences – agree, working
4.       Very good use of procedures – thanks

5.       Minor editorial changes – agree

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