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Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Tessera Trilogy Blog Post 163

Process –  Progress as determined by page count, word count and percent stands as follows: total pages up to 179; total word countdown up to 96.6 K, and percent is 52.6 percent. I continue to work several review segments simultaneously to maintain momentum.

Local Author support – went to book signing held at Pappagallo in Fredericksburg, for author George Metzger of Spotsylvania County, VA. George and I talked for a half hour on his writing process and our life experiences … and the CRRL eBook controversy. His pen name is Erik Mauritzson and his novel is Grendel’s Game.

Completed reading David Baldacci’s novel – The Collectors.

BAM 07 September 2015 critique comments
BAM member –
1.       First paragraph confusing  – agree, working
2.        Good advancement of story – thanks
3.       Reduce detail level about Ready Room – agree, working
4.       Describe purpose of plans for Pilgrim III up front – agree, working
5.       Lost on a few acronyms like TOC, RTB – disagree, they followed in wording
6.       Was thrown off by “mess” of Ready Room, thought it was military mess hall
7.       Need transition from first to second paragraph – agree, working
8.       Minor editorial suggestions – agree
9.       “Riyals” not clear – Arabian money

BAM member –
1.       Discussion of fireworks came out of blue – appropriate to plot
2.       Who spoke of “CNN network” – agree, will clarify
3.       Not clear who are good and bad guys – Saudis are good guys; Israelis bad guys
4.       Too much hinting – disagree, my style of being indirect (foreshadowing)
5.       Minor editorial suggestions – agree
6.       Liked use of Admiral Anh to warn Tooley from being in field - thanks

BAM member –
1.       Confused as to which character was speaking - working
2.       Heavy on details of Ready Room – agree, working
3.       First two paragraphs confusing – agree, working
4.       Did not understand reference to fireworks – diversions for expected attack

5.       Lessen use of clichés – agree, working

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