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Sunday, June 21, 2015


Tessera Trilogy Blog Post 151

Authors – I received a very helpful book for Father’s Day – The Art of Fiction, for Young Writers by John Gardner.  One of the RWG members mentioned it as a very helpful source on style.

Local Authors

RWG 13 June 2015 critique comments
Remote reviewer  – He provided seventeen suggestions in style; flow; dialogue; clarity; and plot.

Style  -

1.       Minor word and editorial changes – agree, working
2.       Corrected spelling of Majj Noon to Majnoon – agree
3.       Questioned use of Such and Such bridge – disagree
4.       Suggested changing yelled to screamed – agree
5.       Suggested more graphic description of explosion - agree
6.       Suggested improvements to final sentence/hook – agree
7.       Suggested delete “indeed.” – disagree, writer choice


8.       Change that to the for flow – agree
9.        Change tech to technician - agree


10.   Suggested adding another sentence about lotta red paint for fuselage marking – disagree, overkill and not consistent with aviation usage
11.    Keeps you (reader) on edge - thanks


12.   Questioned use of “advise” for when pilot sighted target – disagree, standard aviator usage
13.    Questioned use of “unlock” – disagree, writer choice to refer to decryption
14.   Questioned order of things to eat – disagree; usage to confirm identify of terrorist on his phone


15.   Add roughly before 15:45 - agree
16.    Questioned whether Mossad would want to kill Jubali so soon after his predecessor – disagree
17.   Suggested more description of section leader – disagree, familiar to military readers
18.   Questioned knowing when terrorist would cross bridge – disagree, knew location, destination and route.

BAM 15 June 2015 critique comments

BAM member  –
19.   Good, credible advancement of story -thanks
20.    Increase panic, consternation of missile strike – agree, working
21.   Minor editorial changes – agree, working
22.   Revisit POV shift – working
23.   Change “launched” to activated – agree
24.   Questioned why Amir would want O’Toole to visit – intrigue, taunt Israelis indirectly
25.   Part about satellite images and base targeting very good – thanks
26.   Change format of third from last sentence – agree, working
27.   Good development of interest in spies – thanks
28.   Liked the confusion of missile strike and running for exits - thanks

BAM member  -
1.       Good progress and action – thanks
2.       Minor editorial changes – agree, working
3.       Suggested clarify “- not present, but accounted for” – agree, working
4.       Spell out NFG, WTF – agree
5.       Improve clarity of timing of short segments – agree, working
6.       Eliminate use of rhetorical questions – agree, working
7.       Explain why missile failed – disagree, it’s there
8.       Dramatize explosion – agree, working
9.       Suggested rearranging paragraphs for sequence/timing - working

BAM member  –
1.       Minor editorial suggestions – agree, working
2.       Have Colonel Daoud slam podium with fist for emphasis – agree
3.       Lots of tension and action - thanks

BAM member  –
1.       Spell out bedu - agree
2.       Great action and good dialogue – thanks
3.       Read better than last week - thanks
4.       Liked “confidence dripping from his voice” - thanks
5.       Confused by orphan line at bottom of printed page 4 – CRRL reformat during printing
6.       Change “sheds” - agree

BAM member  –
1.       Interesting story with lots of new twists – thanks
2.       Extensive descriptive narrative slows plot - thanks
3.       Questioned use of a female officer working with men  – disagree; part of iconoclastic author

4.       Questioned how many dead or wounded in missile strike – none, working to describe better

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