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Tuesday, October 31, 2017


Tessera Trilogy Blog Post 242

Over a period of several months I re-read Tom Clancy’s novels – Patriot Games, The Bear and The Dragon, and The Eye of the Tiger.

Began reading Stieg Larsson’s novel, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

The Next One  stands at 148 pages, 63,600 words.

BAM 30 October 2017 critique comments

This critique session was planned as the review of the final ending segment for TNO.
Outside reviewer –
1.      Change “Oh my Gawd” to more male, non-Valley girl expression – agree
2.      Describe status of ATVs better – agree, working

BAM member –
1.      An improvement over previous segment – thanks
2.      Some dialog not credible – agree, working
3.      Delete any humor within tension areas – will consider, inferred as self defensive remarks
4.      Good wrap-up – thanks
5.       Numerous minor editorial changes – agree, working
6.      Too much detail of characters beside George and Bai – will consider; don’t want to leave reader in doubt
7.      As a suggestion, highlight minor character interactions to thin out their impact – will consider
8.      Felt charge nurse dialog lessened tension – agree, working
9.      Correct wandering POV issues within scene – agree, working
10.  Empathize George and lessen his accusatory remarks - will consider; he’s a complex character
11.   Change “dint” to “didn’t” – disagree

BAM member –
1.      Story moving in right direction – thanks
2.      Ending seems correct in terms of story start – thanks
3.      Seems too much stress over minor wound – agree, will make it appear more damaging
4.      Transition to George bending over body was strange – agree, working
5.      Clarify that George sees Edrees reaching for pistol – agree, working
6.      Clarify whose photographic brain mentioned – agree, working
7.      Clarify how George saying Bai was hit – agree, working
8.      Correct POV issues – agree, working
9.      Suggested deleting final six paragraphs as unnecessary – will consider
10.  Stated “Don’t listen to (other BAM reviewer). There’s not much to cut. If you cut everything he wanted you’d write Flash Fiction. The interaction between George and Bai is great.” Thanks

BAM member –
1.       Good improvement from before – thanks
2.       Change breath “pulsing” – agree, working on word choice
3.       Felt there was too much detail and characters – disagree; this was end, wrapping up story
4.       Minor editorial change – agree, working
5.       Show George with more anxiety over killing a man – will consider; he’s a complex character
6.       The actual shooting of George by Bai needs to be included earlier – disagree; would be out of place and she missed him because her eyes were closed. That’s the reason for tension.
7.       Questioned if she (Maria) was terrorist captive – No, she was watching.
8.       Questioned inclusion of doctors’  grumble over pager – part of “can’t be bothered” small town clinic atmosphere I wanted
9.       Change “dint” to “didn’t” – disagree
10.   Questioned use of “you big lug” – will consider word choice

BAM member –
1.       Lots of action, summarizing
2.       Seems repetitive, cut banter – disagree
3.       Cut dialog, narrative – seems too much – disagree; building tension for end
4.       Numerous minor editorial changes – agreed with most, working
5.       Explain weapons which “discharged in near unison”– disagree; self evident – Edrees and Bai fired at almost same instance
6.       Clarify what Maria (another) used to tie off handkerchief bandages – disagree; evident from wording
7.       Questioned phrase “through and through” – standard police and medical terminology for a bullet wound
8.       Questioned George running his right hand over his jacket – to arouse interest in the bullet hole where Bai’s bullet went, almost killing him
9.       Felt recap of action was anti-climatic – disagree, was building tension between George and Bai

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