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Tuesday, October 3, 2017


Tessera Trilogy Blog Post 239

The working draft of The Next One now stands at 145 pages reviewed. This equates to a word count of 61.300.

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BAM 02 October 2017 critique comments

BAM member –
1.      Lots of action, combine around Bai and George – agree, working
2.      Improve story pacing – agree, working
3.      Clarify and merge the two descriptions of explosion – agree, working to explain as within George’s mind
4.      Clarify the scene with Edrees’ pistol – agree, working
5.      Explain whether Edrees was a committed terrorist, or a wannabee – agree, working
6.      Explain why Edrees went for his pistol – agree, working
7.      Improve transition between Automatic weapons fire to explosion – agree, working
8.      Numerous minor editorial change – agree, working
9.      Reword distracting Olympic reference – agree, working

BAM member –
1.      Delete “What came next surprised” as too pat – agree, working to improve
2.      Questioned use of internal thought italics – agree, working
3.      Minor editorial change – agree, working
4.      Questioned whether a cell phone would wake/light – Ah, but in this novel it does.
5.      Correct POV issue as George leaves War Wagon – agree, working
6.      Put Quotation marks around “Allah U Akbar” – agree
7.      Questioned a runner grasping air ahead and pulling himself – disagree, as a runner I did
8.      Questioned a coyote kit staying after explosion – agree, working
9.      Improve lead in/transition from gunfire and explosion to Bai – agree, working
10.  Consider toning down dialogue between Bai and Edrees – agree, working

BAM member –
1.      Felt confusion about names of good versus bad guys (still couldn’t recall from previous)
2.      Enough action to satisfy, real dialogue - thanks
3.      Minor editorial change – agree, working
4.      Felt a real Muslim would pray before death –
5.      Action jumped around – working
6.      Shorten descriptions of explosion and George running to save Bai – agree, working
7.      Reduce multiple use of “startled” – agree, working

BAM member –
1.      Lots of action, but jumped around a lot - thanks
2.      Minor editorial change – agree, working
3.      Reduce multiple use of “regained her composure” – agree, working
4.      Liked a lot - thanks

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