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Tuesday, January 31, 2017


Tessera Trilogy Blog Post 211

The process
Here is another segment of my latest published novel – Kashan Kashmeeri – for your holiday enjoyment. The segments are selected to progressively go through the novel, giving you a flavor of its compelling story and tension. Enjoy!

Chapter - 32

all STROBE if your gadgets detect any radar.” Yeddim saw one pilot in the Ready Room wasn’t listening and put him on the spot. “Handle, did you get that?”

    First Lieutenant Peled, AKA Handle, responded, “Yup. Got it!”

                “Showtime in twenty. THREE ZERO, as mission commander you fly tail end with the assault team. Make sure they SAFE all weapons in flight.” Yeddim breathed deeply; his reminder was a lesson from an assault team which shot up a helo in flight. The major muttered a verse from Psalm 118 under his breath, “The Lord is with me. I will not be afraid. What can anybody do to me?” It was a prayer for safe return.

THREE ZERO grinned, rolled his eyes, “I hope all birds are ready to fly; I get tired flapping my wings.” One of the commandos waved his arms up and down like he was flying; muted but universal snickering followed.

“Doubt it very much.” Handle countered. Some damn thing always comes up to spoil the ball.

The Squadron Operations Officer shook his head. He motioned for the tech watching the antics to give a mission reminder. The senior ordnance specialist walked to the front of the room, his face somber. “Pull all safety arming pins before you lift off.”

The three pilots slammed their helmets together, “Roger.”

Yeddim added, “Bring back our pilots,” as he motioned to the door.

The pilots grabbed helmets and headed to the door.  Their exit was interrupted by a crew chief entering, breathing hard. He held up his hands. “Wait. One bird didn’t check out. There was a glitch.” The tech explained that the final pre-flight of a Blackhawk found a hydraulic pump failure.

“Captain Avigdor, hate to spoil your day, but I had to down your helo. We’re prepping FIVE FOUR for you. There’ll be a ten minute delay in liftoff. We need to fuel it. But there is news,” the tech said.

Avigdor tensed, “What is it? It better be good.”

“Your new bird has a retrofit armor package. The engine cowlings are armored, stray bullets can’t take out your turbines. You’ll also have a Kevlar seat and underbody. Your jewels will be safe.”
“Thanks,” the captain grinned, “my wife will appreciate that.”

“Your new bird will be a bit slower,” the crew chief advised, “and your laser warning system didn’t respond to our pre-flight test. Do we still launch with it?”

“Damn straight,” First Lieutenant Eshel, Mission Commander barked, “As soon as all birds are gassed up.” He looked around, glanced at other pilots, and nodded.

“Everyone take a pit stop. Recheck your weapons, ammo, and protective gear. You lift off in ten; any questions?”  Yeddim asked. There were none, and he saw prayers being mouthed, buddies fingering checkered scarves with tassels.

Nine minutes later the pilots and rescue team walked in the dark to their helos. The walk arounds verified that all arming pins were pulled, the weapons armed and safe from stray voltages. Shotgun, THREE ZERO, and FIVE FOUR stepped up into their cockpits, and buckled up.  The pilots spun up the turbines and applied power. The helos rose in the air, hovered, then moved off. 

I’ve been very, very distracted by the news, trying to sort out the real, actual news versus the alternative,  emanating from Washington. The conflict raises my anxiety for this country and our values. I’ve spent numerous hours reading and being depressed by the news. My reactions appear in another blog – please FOLLOW.


BAM 30 Jan 2017 critique comments

BAM member –
1.      Liked this addition - thanks
2.      Minor editorial suggestions – agree, working
3.      Saw the changes you made – thanks
4.      Liked the scene where Bai was trailed – thanks
5.      Describe the evasion maneuver – agree, working
6.      Increase emphasis on George’s lack of appreciation for Bai’s fears – agree, working

BAM member –
1.      Didn’t understand about parking meter experiment – disagree, explained in prior segments
2.      Interesting, but confusing  – disagree, explained in prior segments
3.      Watch for shifts in POV – agree, working
4.      Missed the transition from talking about parking ticket to being followed - working
5.      Incorporate narrative, dialogue of Bai being followed – agree, working
6.      Very descriptive - thanks

BAM member –
1.      No written comments –
2.      Thought it flowed well, understood dialogue - thanks
3.      Increase George’s paranoia about Bai being followed – agree, working

4.      Need clearer view of how she was being followed - disagree

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