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Tuesday, January 17, 2017


Tessera Trilogy Blog Post 209

The process
Here is a second segment of my latest published novel – Kashan Kashmeeri – for your holiday enjoyment. The segments are selected to progressively go through the novel, giving you a flavor of its compelling story and tension. Enjoy!

Both teens knew being shot required a shoot-‘em-up, unless a wizards’ wand was involved. The magical moment ended abruptly as a Call to Prayer reverberated from the speaker system. It interrupted everyone’s thoughts. Mick paused the movie, “What was that?’

Mamo reached up and muted the speaker. He began explaining the prayer call until a siren suddenly pierced the air. All covered their ears and stared incredulously towards the alarm. Flashing strobe lights added further tension, magnetizing everyone’s attention. The security panel near one light loudly announced a recorded warning:

                                  INTRUDER AT STAIRS! INTRUDER AT STAIRS!

Munirah fluttered her right hand in a horizontal gathering motion, beckoned Anh and the youngsters. “Move … quickly.” She hurried ahead to a cabinet, took a key, and opened it. From a rack within came a handgun and several magazines. She inserted one magazine. The expressions of the teenagers and Fadia accelerated from curiosity to fear.

Munirah turned, alarm on her face, and pointed down the hallway, “Get in our safe room … Now!”

Glassy with adrenaline, eyes cycled frenetically between horror, fear, and disbelief at the dual stimuli of the alarm and the pistol. As they assembled, Munirah pushed a button inset in the wall. A motor activated and a solid metal panel closed off the hallway.

Like a mother bear, the mothers’ eyes swept up to a security monitor as their youngsters moved to the room at the end of the hall. Munirah believed no one would mess with her cubs with mother bear around. Those that did risked getting their faces eaten off.

Mamo, suddenly aware of the implications of an intruder, turned to his older sister, “Will they hurt us?”

Fadia pulled the boys and Bai closer, “No!” Her answer was not convincing. “I’ll protect you, and the alarm summoned an Emergency Team from the base.” Her tone was now calm, “They’ll be here soon.”

Fadia shouted, “Mother, shoot him, or let me slam him.” She assumed a martial arts stance.
Munirah pointed, “No, Fadia. There are two Tasers in the cabinet. Get one!” 

Fadia scurried to the cabinet, and grabbed a Taser, tentatively fingering its trigger, “How do I use it?”

“Don’t worry; you’ve seen enough movies to know. I’ll shoot him, if he gets in. You’re our backup.” She paused, looked around, mentally assessing if all preparations were in place. “A team is coming from the base,” Munirah pronounced.

M&M, Bai, and Fadia had earlier each imagined some personal heroics. They uttered prayers in multiple languages … “Save us, we pray, from the sword of the stranger.”

“Anh, we’ll be safe. They can’t get through the barrier, but I’m ready.” Munirah slid the barrel assembly back and chambered a round, “Amir trained me to shoot.”

Fadia’s expression paled as she watched her mother’s finger rub the trigger guard.

Then all eyes shifted instantly to movement on the monitor. The pet Salukhi slunk behind the stairs beyond the fountain and yelped.

“Mom, don’t let them hurt Allat,” Bai pleaded, “Maybe she’ll chase them away.”

Soon the monitor exposed the intruder. A stray dog had snuck in; the monitor soon gave a close up of the Salukhis coupling. The on screen action generated chuckles from the mothers.

Fadia and the boys shared knowing grins. Mick tagged Mamo’s shoulder with a soft punch, blurted, “They’re humping, Mom!”

A puzzled look spread on Bai’s face, quickly replaced by an uncomfortable blush, “Yukky!”

Munirah pushed the button again and the metal panel motored back. Everyone walked to the family room and sat. Allat walked over, lay down, and licked Fadia’s foot.

Fadia whispered, “That stray was handsome for a Salukhi. I bet their puppies will be cute.” She bent down, grinned, and hugged Allat, “You slut.”

BAM 16 Jan 2017 critique comments
BAM member –
1.      Another good addition - thanks
2.      Minor editorial suggestions – agree, working
3.      Dialogue between Mick and George filled in Mick’s character – thanks
4.      Simplify George’s laptop log in - agree, working
5.      Use only one term/name for George – agree, working
6.      Flowed well – thanks
7.      Remove POV conflicts – agree, working
8.      Add foreshadowing of conflict – agree, working
9.      Tighten up dialogue – agree, working

BAM member –
1.      Thought Elliott was a new character – agree, working
2.      Remove POV conflicts – agree, working
3.      Minor editorial suggestions – agree, working
4.      Some sections can be shortened – agree, working
5.      Seemed strange that George was hacking databases, violating his clearance – disagree, he’s cleared “trusted” and this is part of what he does
6.       Add foreshadowing of conflict – agree, working
7.      Suggested deleting first section on Bai’s first day of classes – disagree, sets up action later

BAM member –
1.      Editorial suggestions – agree, working
2.      Correct POV shift on first page – agree, working
3.      Use only one term/name for George – agree, working
4.      Better if George says “I’m crazy about your sister” and remove rest – agree, working
5.      Add foreshadowing of conflict – agree, working
6.      Tighten up dialogue – agree, working

BAM member –
1.      Liked section with Bai’s first day on campus -thanks
2.      Minor editorial suggestions – agree, working
3.      Correct POV shifts – agree, working
4.      Use only one term/name for George, unless different characters speaking – agree, working
5.      Wording awkward about “when I wake, shower …” – agree, working
6.      Questioned why George would say “I saw you …” – agree, working
7.      Add foreshadowing of conflict – agree, working
8.      Shorten dialogue between George and Mick – agree, working

9.      I have a feeling “finding Judy” is going to bite everyone - agree

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