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Wednesday, December 30, 2015


Tessera Trilogy Blog Post 178

Process –  Progress as determined by page count, word count and percent stands as follows: total page count went up to 213; total word count up to 99 K, and percent went down to 70.0 percent.

BAM 28 December 2015 critique comments
Mixed review comments; critics noted the building tension to an air battle, but noted too much narrative, I need to get better at this, although the current product far exceeds previous novels. Overall I’m learning a lot, and improving my style.

BAM member –
1.      Minor editorial changes – agree
2.      Liked angry African bees swarming - thanks
3.      Reduce telling, personalize the battle – agree, working
4.      Rethink three kamikaze fighters unknown … agree, working
5.      Explain MRBMs – agree, will elaborate on strategic importance
6.      “Caused a stir” needs to be strengthened – agree, working
7.      “Kissed your ass goodbye” overused – agree
8.      Good suspense buildup to wave attack air battle – thanks
9.      Liked ‘unchecked pandemic” - thanks

BAM member –
1.      Minor editorial changes – agree
2.      Needs showing, dialogue – agree, working
3.      Explain how “no borders were breached” – agree, I meant on the ground with infantry or armor
4.      Incorporate a POV character instead of narrative – agree
5.      Delete unnecessary American reaction to reports – disagree; will expand, elaborate on reaction
6.      Emphasize the Saudi public reactions to news of war – agree
7.      Unsure of importance or significance of Pops as a character – disagree; it’s coming
8.      Best portion was section on human reaction at SAM battery

BAM member –
1.      Minor editorial changes – agree
2.      Use of cliché “war was hell” – agree, working
3.      Incorporate picture of Israeli progress – agree, good suggestion
4.      Reduce redundant use of phrases – agree
5.      Incorporate tension among radar operators on AWACS – agree, working
6.      Show where Israeli planes where in sequence of air battles - agree

BAM member –
1.      Needs character at beginning to explain battle periodically – agree, working
2.      Probably want to not use double spacing between paragraphs – disagree
3.      Indent first word of each paragraph – disagree, my style choice

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