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Tuesday, October 27, 2015


Tessera Trilogy Blog Post 170

Process –  Progress as determined by page count, word count and percent stands as follows: total page count went to 172; total word count up to 85.2 K, and percent is around 61 percent. I continue to work several review segments simultaneously to maintain momentum.

I have formalized another blog - It will cover a detective series set locally in Virginia. The series, Moneys and Mayhem, will be written by Bernard Peckingham.  More later, folks.  

BAM 19 October 2015 critique comments
BAM member  –
1.       Minor editorial changes - working
2.       Suggested spell out TBD – disagree; commonly used acronym
3.       Suggested spell out CJCS, NSC, WHSR – disagree; defined in previous segments
4.       Unclear who was who, where threat was coming from – that was my intention
5.       Reinforcement of idea that “Peace Coalition” was not truly peaceful was reinforced by this segment, but it didn’t add to the story - that was my intention

BAM member  –
1.       Need to streamline the story with characters for a length of time – working, but dealing with diverse characters
2.       Minor editorial changes – agree
3.       Titles and acronyms are confusing – genre need
4.       Try focusing on fewer POVs to “see” and “feel” the scene – working
5.       Use names vice acronyms DCI, CJCS – will consider
6.       Questioned purpose of the Peace Coalition - that was my intention
7.       Suggested moving one paragraph earlier – will consider
8.       Suggested considering split of this segment into (1) POTUS (2) Air Force Two scenes (3) in region – will consider

BAM member  –
1.       Minor editorial changes – agree, working
2.       Questioned describing US use of Embassy in Tel Aviv as visible show of neutrality- disagree; intention to convey US position in terms of goals of the Peace Coalition
3.       Questioned the end game here - that was my intention, to keep Peace Coalition, and reactions to it, vague
4.       Suggested removing mention of names of Turkish Prime Minister, Syrian President – agree
5.       Questioned usage/meaning of SECSTATE, CJCS, DCI - defined in previous segments
6.       Questioned use of PRESUS rather than POTUS – agree; changed
7.       Kind of a review of how things can go to hell fast - that was my intention
8.       Wasn’t completely lost – thanks
9.       Things (story) seems to be going to hell fast - that was my intention

BAM member  –
1.       Minor editorial changes – agree
2.       Suggested “cry Uncle,” vice “call Uncle” - agree
3.       Too many acronyms; slow story down – genre and story, working
4.       Too much going on at once – my intention to portray action at the top (POTUS) in dealing with world crises

BAM member  –
1.       Minor editorial changes – working
2.       Questioned whether SECSTARE DeVries (3rd paragraph) was Mel DeVries in 5th paragraph – YES
3.       Within 5th paragraph asked who “she” was, when the paragraph was Mel DeVries’ dialog – HMM!
4.       Used very personal tone in criticism about lack of sensory details – HMM!
5.       Lengthy diatribe about use of scenery; smell; hearing (sounds); taste – will consider
6.       Said the dialect was good – thanks
7.       Apparently forgot previous segments’ identification of characters, and acronyms
8.       Went too fast, slow the story down – will consider , but that was my intention
9.       The President doesn’t wear a uniform

BAM member  –
1.       Questioned meaning of PRESUS – President (of the) United States, commonly used term
2.       Reads well, good flow at beginning, then slows with details – working
3.       Maybe too much detail – agree, working
4.       Lots going on to keep straight – that’s life at the top (POTUS)

BAM member  –
1.       No written comments
2.       Lots of details ; I followed it – thanks
3.       Questioned who the target audience/genre was
4.       Thought average reader might get lost

BAM member  –
1.       No written comments

BAM member  –

1.       No written comments 

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