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Tuesday, October 20, 2015


Tessera Trilogy Blog Post 169

Process –  Progress as determined by page count, word count and percent stands as follows: total page count went down to 169; total word count up to 92.1 K, and percent is about 65 percent. I continue to work several review segments simultaneously to maintain momentum.

I have formalized another blog - It will cover a detective series set locally in Virginia. The series, Moneys and Mayhem, will be written by Bernard Peckingham.  More later, folks.  

Completed reading David Baldacci’s Zero Day.

BAM 19 October 2015 critique comments
BAM member  –
1.       Minor editorial changes - working
2.       Suggested spell out TBD – disagree; commonly used acronym
3.       Suggested spell out CJCS, NSC, WHSR – disagree; defined in previous segments
4.       Unclear who was who, where threat was coming from – that was my intention
5.       Reinforcement of idea that “Peace Coalition” was not truly peaceful was reinforced by this segment, but it didn’t add to the story - that was my intention

BAM member  –
1.       Need to streamline the story with characters for a length of time – working, but dealing with diverse characters
2.       Minor editorial changes – agree
3.       Titles and acronyms are confusing – genre need
4.       Try focusing on fewer POVs to “see” and “feel” the scene – working
5.       Use names vice acronyms DCI, CJCS – will consider
6.       Questioned purpose of the Peace Coalition - that was my intention
7.       Suggested moving one paragraph earlier – will consider
8.       Suggested considering split of this segment into (1) POTUS (2) Air Force Two scenes (3) in region – will consider

BAM member  –
1.       Minor editorial changes – agree, working
2.       Questioned describing US use of Embassy in Tel Aviv as visible show of neutrality- disagree; intention to convey US position in terms of goals of the Peace Coalition
3.       Questioned the end game here - that was my intention, to keep Peace Coalition, and reactions to it, vague
4.       Suggested removing mention of names of Turkish Prime Minister, Syrian President – agree
5.       Questioned usage/meaning of SECSTATE, CJCS, DCI - defined in previous segments
6.       Questioned use of PRESUS rather than POTUS – agree; changed
7.       Kind of a review of how things can go to hell fast - that was my intention
8.       Wasn’t completely lost – thanks
9.       Things (story) seems to be going to hell fast - that was my intention

BAM member  –
1.       Minor editorial changes – agree
2.       Suggested “cry Uncle,” vice “call Uncle” - agree
3.       Too many acronyms; slow story down – genre and story, working
4.       Too much going on at once – my intention to portray action at the top (POTUS) in dealing with world crises

BAM member  –
1.       Minor editorial changes – working
2.       Questioned whether SECSTARE DeVries (3rd paragraph) was Mel DeVries in 5th paragraph – YES
3.       Within 5th paragraph asked who “she” was, when the paragraph was Mel DeVries’ dialog – HMM!
4.       Used very personal tone in criticism about lack of sensory details – HMM!
5.       Lengthy diatribe about use of scenery; smell; hearing (sounds); taste – will consider
6.       Said the dialect was good – thanks
7.       Apparently forgot previous segments’ identification of characters, and acronyms
8.       Went too fast, slow the story down – will consider , but that was my intention
9.       The President doesn’t wear a uniform

BAM member  –
1.       Questioned meaning of PRESUS – President (of the) United States, commonly used term
2.       Reads well, good flow at beginning, then slows with details – working
3.       Maybe too much detail – agree, working
4.       Lots going on to keep straight – that’s life at the top (POTUS)

BAM member  –
1.       No written comments
2.       Lots of details ; I followed it – thanks
3.       Questioned who the target audience/genre was
4.       Thought average reader might get lost

BAM member  –
1.       No written comments

BAM member  –

1.       No written comments 

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