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Tuesday, October 6, 2015


Tessera Trilogy Blog Post 168

Process –  Progress as determined by page count, word count and percent stands as follows: total page count remains at 167; total word count up to 91.5 K, and percent is up to 61 percent. I continue to work several review segments simultaneously to maintain momentum. 

I have formalized another blog -     It will cover a detective series set locally in Virginia. The series, Moneys and Mayhem, will be written by Bernard Peckingham. 

Local Author support – Lake Authors Book Fair held at the Orange County, Wilderness branch. Numerous Riverside writers Group members participated.

Completed reading David Baldacci’s Divine Justice. Started reading his Zero Day.

BAM 05 October 2015 critique comments
BAM member –
1.       Great addition  – thanks
2.       Clarify when wounded soldier was in tattered uniform – agree, working
3.       Minor editorial changes – agree
4.       Loved the give and take of POTUS dialog - thanks
5.       Rewrite zooming, panning in battlefield video – agree, working

BAM member –
1.       Flows well, but loses momentum – all cannot be action, necessary description
2.       Minor editorial changes – agree
3.       Consider shortening dialog between Colonel Polani and Stefano – disagree, and others liked it
4.       Suggested improving awkward wording parts – agree, working
5.       Suggested removing identification of date of POTUS morning brief – disagree
6.       POTUS dialog lacked purpose – disagree; intent was to provide background to geo-political moves in Middle East. Also to show POTUS did not know of coming announcement of the Coalition.
7.       Incorporate more tension in POTUS dialog – agree, working
8.       During CNN BREAKING NEWS bit, keep focus on Stefano. Hmm – will consider. Have to show enemies embracing as new friends. Have to leave, show Stefano as uncertain (still) of intentions.

BAM member –
1.       Suggested rewrite of description of wounded soldier in field hospital – disagree
2.       Questioned an analogy to marching band and a waltz – agree, working
3.       Minor editorial changes – agree, working
4.       Questioned how Stefano at the front could be “fuzzy” on politics of region – he was at the front
5.       Questioned POTUS wanting to experience the “inexperiencible” on encrypted phone conversations  – POTUS wants to cut through the layers of Intel analysis, get to the truth
6.       Questioned why reference to POTUS getting direct access to battlefront phone conversations was required – to show power of POTUS’ on Intel sources (President Johnson did exactly this in Vietnam War. He talked to pilots of US strike aircraft.)
7.       Does anyone care about CNN interview and BREAKING NEWS – yes; sets the scene of forces arrayed for “Peace” … or, perhaps, something else
8.       Termed the Peace Coalition terms ultimately meaningless – disagree; it is important to consider all alternatives of the Coalition … war or peace.
9.       Questioned whether world leaders “actually really rely on” news for their decisions – In some ways yes – news is what people see, believe. Often they disbelieve “insiders” and their government.  Intel agencies do read such summaries daily.
10.   Have POTUS/PRESUS demand verification of front line Intel from CNN reporter – agree, working

BAM member –
1.       Compared writing, indirectly, to Tom Clancy’s “Sum of all fears” – suggested I read and use his geo-political techniques – disagree; thanks. I prefer my own words, but try to emulate some of his vision 
2.       Liked the line “I’m embedded in a lie.” thanks
3.       Suggested identifying speakers in parts of Colonel Polani and Stefano dialog – agree, working
4.       Questioned whether Tooley was at the front – no, in his Riyadh Embassy office
5.       Questioned whether POTUS, and NSC advisors really did not know of geo-political events – they partly know, but have to believe writers’ story that some politics abroad remains obscure, even (Shush) - SECRET
6.       Suggested adding what SECSTATE DeVries said at morning brief with POTUS – agree, working
7.       Suggested inclusion of more dialog with POTUS – disagree; less is more. Intent is to leave reader in doubt, especially as to intentions of Iran and Iraq. That was why I had POTUS briefing BEFORE announcement of Coalition.
8.       Questioned whether POTUS and NSC advisors really not know of what was to happen – Yes, they really did not know.
9.       Liked image of “weapons being fired into the air” – thanks
10.   Describe WHSR – agree, working
11.   Explain why POTUS is upset - working

BAM member –
1.       Minor editorial changes – agree, working
2.       Compared a humorous bit to Geraldo Rivera - thanks
3.       Liked that I planted doubt (tension) in dialog between Colonel Polani and Stefano – thanks
4.       Questioned the type of “Peace” agreement, document – intentionally left vague, to evolve, be discovered by readers
5.       Suggested changing “officers and enlisted” to “troops” – agree, working
6.       Took long time to get to the “Peace” part – intentional, suspense, false leads
7.       It is unclear what Peace means – thanks, I wanted it vague, to keep reader interest
8.       Overall good addition - thanks

BAM member –
1.       Minor editorial changes – agree, working
2.       Very interesting twist to geo-politics – thanks
3.       At mention of Iraq, Syria, Iran, and Turkey negotiations with Kurds, questioned Arabia, Egypt – those countries don’t have Kurdish minorities
4.       Questioned mention of “thirty mile” front – exposure of the numbers of military now in a coalition
5.       Questioned mention of “western Iraq” – again, showing where the Coalition is headed (hint0
6.       Questioned reference to “Allied Forces in the first Gulf War” – a reference to size of forces, and an intent to invade

BAM member –
1.       Excellent – thanks
2.       Liked comparison of parade field wimp vs deadly opponent – thanks
3.       Enjoyed “someone sticking flowers down rifle barrels – thanks
4.       Liked “let people talk each other to death” – thanks
5.       Liked the reference to troops waltzing - thanks

BAM member –
1.       Commented on previous segment wording -
2.       This is better tonight – thanks
3.       Field hospital scene clear, understandable – but why needed – to give battlefield relevance, insights to the “BIG LIE”
4.       Why did Stefano emphasize “They do mean business” if not convincingly – because he was still uncertain of intentions of the new Coalition. It is a necessary part of tension, foreshadowing
5.       Suggested show, not tell, in several areas – agree, working
6.       Questioned mention of “forces are a reminder of Allied Forces in the first Gulf War” – to emphasize the size, and hint at (foreshadow) the Coalition’s intentions
7.       Suggested new paragraph break on last page – agree, working

BAM member –
1.       Liked several specific sentences - thanks
2.       More understandable, clearer sentences – thanks
3.       You succeeded in making your story flow better - thanks

BAM member –
1.       Suggested a twist of DCI being corrupt – disagree, not in the plan. Non-productive
2.       Spice up last few pages – will look at specifics from other reviewers

BAM member –
1.       Great job, as before - thanks

2.       No written comments 

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