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Tuesday, March 27, 2018


Tessera Trilogy Blog Post 247

BAM 26 March 2018 critique comments
1.       Bright spot with action – thanks
2.       Clarify whether County or State jurisdiction – agree, working
3.       Add details of local Germanna colony – agree, plan to later
4.       Suggested adding more about forensics, putting on booties, gloves – agree
5.       Specify that well is for water – understood
6.       The dialog is so good, incredibly realistic – thanks
7.       Your action is 100X better than earlier works – thanks
8.       Were procedures about ME and funeral home correct – yes (I talked with funeral home director as part of research, after asking detective LT.)
9.       Liked Mrs. Orloff wringing her hands - thanks
10.   Clarify if victim killed by gun – Yes, covered earlier in 911 call
11.   Is the term “Black and Whites” still used – will check
12.  Minor editorial suggestions – working

1.       Well written, good addition – thanks
2.       Add more local color – agree, working
3.       Clarify why furniture is important – agree, about to describe in next segment

5.       Improve “verbally skewered” with examples or delete – agree, working
6.       Why does Wills mention that deceased rented his fields – detectives will need to ask them if they saw anyone or vehicles by home of deceased
7.       Explain why preliminary autopsy report mentioned – setting the scene for detectives to visit and be told of evidence
8.       Delete extraneous scene descriptions – agree, working

BAM member –
1.       Written well – thanks
2.       Was able to jump right in and follow story – thanks
3.       Dialog was real, I saw it – thanks
4.       Character interactions on spot – thanks
5.       I can’t wait for next week - thanks
6.       Incorporate more movement and descriptions of scenes - agree
7.       Suggested showing what detective partner doing – agree, working
8.       Do not capitalize Next Of Kin – I have since checked. It isn’t.
9.       Liked use of humor - thanks
10.  Minor editorial suggestions – working

BAM member –
1.      Credible addition, well written - thanks
2.      Correct POV head hopping shifts - agree, working
3.      What type of currency or coins were in the chest – we’ll discover soon (I promise)
4.      Clarify how we know this was a murder – described in 911 call
5.      Clarify why German descendant brashly called a “fool” - agree

BAM member –
1.       Well written – thanks
2.       Reduce repetition in process wording – agree, working
3.       Liked description of the tilted power poles – thanks
4.       Clarify why State Trooper was there – agree (had his scanner on and was nearby)
5.       Delete mention that organs not eligible for donation – agree, working
6.       Describe Mrs. Orloff (cleaning lady) – agree, working
7.       Clarify why Wills would mention things about German immigrants – agree (she’s local and lives nearby)
8.       Delete identification of Free Lance-Star with Fredericksburg – disagree, other readers may not be locals (and FLS in later parts of the novel)
9.      Minor editorial suggestions – working

BAM member –
1.       Correct POC shifts – agree, working
2.       The dialog was great - thanks
3.      Clarify how Dispatcher knew case was murder – agree, working
4.      Enjoyed humor – thanks
5.      Minor editorial suggestions – working

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