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Tuesday, March 20, 2018


Tessera Trilogy Blog Post 246

And, of course, I’ve had that other distraction of mine – TWITTER. Am over twenty-three thousand tweets at this point and average bumped up from 28 to 36 followers on two spectacular days. BOOYAH!

My notes and very, very, rough draft of newest novel now stands at 115 pages.

Murder and Mayhem Payroll Deduction.

ALERT to e-authors. Discovered that there are a number of apps for cells and other electronic devices which will read E-books to you. This provides a GREAT, NEW avenue to use in


Three of said PDF readers for Android phones are: PDF Reader, Voice Aloud reader, and PDF Voice.


The BAM critique session on Monday, March 12, was cancelled because of what a Spotsylvania Deputy described as “a Police Event.” Here’s a link to local paper -  Every entrance to the vast mall parking lot was sealed by a deputy (in Personal protective armor) and his/her vehicle with Blue lights flashing.


BAM 19 March 2018 critique comments
BAM member –
1.      Clarify how three men could form a “skirmish line” – confusion of war existed
2.      Asked why drivers’ name not revealed – intentional choice, but may reconsider
3.      Suggested deleting farmer and son burying dead and discussing boxes in creek – disagree
4.      Show 911 caller dialog first – agree, working
5.      Include ambulance (EMTs) in 911 response – agree
6.      Suggested this was a murder mystery - correct

BAM member –
1.       Bright spot with action – thanks
2.       Clarify details – agree, working
3.       Suggested starting with Chapter 2, then looking back - disagree

BAM member –
1.      Suggested adding section break for driver waking - agree
2.      Followed the story well, follows logically and hangs together – thanks

BAM member –
1.       Descriptions are great – thanks
2.       Intrigued by story - thanks
3.      Minor editorial suggestions – working
4.      Suggested removing sections breaks – disagree; POV change requires its use
5.      Suggested changing Chapter 2 to read 1 – disagree; time shift
6.      Clarify how Dispatcher knew case was murder – agree, working
7.      Show how 2016 story tied to Civil War – Search for Union payroll and subsequent murder of descendant at same farm where gold hidden

1.       Good description of war, battle, and fear of being surrounded – thanks
2.       Clarify why boy waited to tell father of strongboxes in creek – agree, he had sworn a blood oath to not disclose (then forgot)
3.      Clarify how Dispatcher knew case was murder – agree, working

BAM member –
1.       Wondered about huge time jump – required by story of hidden Union payroll, subsequent murder of descendant at same farm where gold hidden
2.       Clarify how this was first murder case in months – agree, working
3.       No written comments

Sidelight – Recent news, of March 2018, tell of searches being conducted in Pennsylvania for 2.2 tons of Union gold missing since the Civil War. See -

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