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Tuesday, April 10, 2018


Tessera Trilogy Blog Post 248
BAM 09 April 2018 critique comments
1.       Description of oak table was great – thanks
2.       Use more realistic, natural tight dialog – agree, working
3.      Minor editorial suggestions – working
4.       Don’t use candy ass (suggested Prom Queen) – agree, working
5.       Don’t start sentence with “and” – agree
6.       Clarify who is speaker – agree, working
7.       Show bodily interactions – agree, working
8.       Don’t refer to TV shows – agree, working
9.       Show what motivates the main characters – agree, working
10.   Don’t have LC boast about sniper role – agree, working
11.   Use more dramatic dialog – Think faster dammit! – agree, working
12.   Show or identify why LC thought killer was a county male – agree, working
13.   Insert a reaction to statements of Wills, LC – agree, working
14.   Incorporate small talk, downplay any attraction of Wills for LC – agree, working
15.   As a way to explain her questions of LC, identify fears of having a reliable partner in a shootout – agree, working
16.   Show, explain that he is reluctant to talk of military experiences – agree, working
17.   Choose better word than “yahoos” – agree, working
18.   Remove reference to Digits – the IT guy – agree, working

Above critique comments were entered into the version critiques below.

BAM member –
1.       POV shifts evident, but not jarring – agree, working
2.       Suggested adding more about forensics, putting on booties, gloves – agree
3.       Identify Wills as being female – disagree; she is same female character as in previous segment
4.       Have LC enter the bedroom before he sees the painting - agree
5.       Specify location of painting in bedroom – agree (on the wall)
6.       Vary sentence structure more – will consider
7.       Didn’t understand conflict between Military Intel and SPECOPS – staffers versus operators
8.       Suggested specifying money as coins – disagree; payroll included paper scrip (as does numismatics)

1.       Nice dialog – thanks
2.       This segment was more personal than earlier – thanks
3.       Story has become too light versus serious crime based – characters may display or voice humor to cover anxieties, fears, uncertainty
5.       Improve awkward description – agree, working

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