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Tuesday, August 29, 2017


Tessera Trilogy Blog Post 234

The working draft of The Next One now stands at 126 pages reviewed.

BAM 28 August 2017 critique comments

BAM member –
1.      Too much exposition, narrative is God’s eye view – agree, working
2.      Confused by who “she” was in shopping center scene – agree, trying to not identify Brenda overtly
3.      Show the action as it happens, “unpack” (???) –
4.      Questioned involvement by George and Bai – coming
5.      No written comments

BAM member –
1.      Lots of exposition, narrative  
2.      Minor editorial suggestions – agree, working
3.      How large were lockers to include a fork lift – agree, working (large will accommodate)
4.      Strip mall scene was credible, suggests a set up – agree, a setup, staged assassination to provide cover for Adnan
5.      Mixed POVs evident, confusing – agree, working
6.      Setup (Brenda assassination) interesting twist – thanks
7.      Page five POV not clear – agree, working
8.      Ops Center scene too detailed, just burning midnight oil – agree, working but also trying to stress location of terrorists as becoming less clear
9.      No character development, in action mode – thanks, working
10.  This segment advanced the story, overall good – thanks
11.  Correct San Diego County to read City – disagree, meant County to reflect wider area

Tuesday, August 22, 2017


Tessera Trilogy Blog Post 233

The working draft of The Next One now stands at 122 pages reviewed.

BAM 21 August 2017 critique comments

External reviewer –
1.      No review or comments received

BAM member –
1.      Caught up, could follow - thanks
2.      Suggested changing De La Luz – Mo dialogue to remove discussion of inter-Islamic conflicts, disrupts flow of story – agree, working

BAM member –
1.      Correct POV issues – agree, working
2.      Develop characters’ personality within dialogue – agree, working
3.      In Judy’s dialogue, show why she alone needed to be dominant character, how she feels – agree, working
4.      Didn’t feel terrorists would use cash to lease vans – disagree, use to emphasize loss of traceability
5.      Stress the shock of terrorists’ lease of vans – agree, working

BAM member –
1.      Minor editorial suggestions – agree, working
2.      Didn’t understand reference to “Dammit” – FBI team name for Damadh, presented in earlier segments
3.      Change sentences so not all start with speaker’s name – agree
4.      Explain the team dynamic - was away for several weeks
5.       Didn’t understand rationale for leasing vans – long term implied would reduce suspicion
6.      Reduce repetitive use of “cash” – agree, working
7.      Clarify what welding company makes – agree, working

Tuesday, August 8, 2017


The working draft of The Next One now stands at 119 pages reviewed.


BAM 07 August 2017 critique comments

BAM member –
1.      Numerous editorial suggestions – agree, working
2.      Moves story along, some POV issues – agree, working
3.      Too much extraneous info on War Wagon van – agree, working
4.      Not enough evidence revealed about terrorist cell – agree, working
5.      Unclear about George’s earthquake sensors – he designed, installed, calibrated the sensor array

BAM member
1.      Too much information on War Wagon, suggested foreshadowing it earlier – agree, working
2.      Can’t distinguish Mick’s personality from Mo’s – working
3.      Correct POV issues – agree, working
4.      Identify who had stayed in Santa Ana the previous night – George and Bai, during Mafia hit attempt
5.      Questioned referring back to previous nights’ events –
6.      Suggested keeping George and Bai near terrorist van in desert, confront/obstruct Mick and Mo for interest - working

New member –
1.      Lots of action – thanks
2.      Some confusing sentences – agree, working
3.      Though George and Bai are a couple, don’t see the dynamic between them – working
4.      Plans of terrorists, and those investigating them, not clear – agree, my intention to slowly reveal information
5.      Questioned meaning of “lit off” with respect to (electronic) gear – agree (turned on)
6.      Questioned what Mick and Mo learned from pairing lines between cell phones – coming to another segment soon

BAM member
1.      Came, and left early without verbal or written comments