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Tuesday, July 11, 2017


Tessera Trilogy Blog Post 228

The working draft of The Next One now stands at 102 pages reviewed.

BAM 10 July 2017 critique comments

BAM member –
1.      Change “angry truck” incorporate brand of truck  – agree
2.      Minor editorial suggestions – agree
3.      Have George show his macho side when Mafia goons break into the house – agree
4.      Insert Bai’s panic, have George focus on her reaction – agree
5.      Identify the horn blaring as security alarm – agree
6.      Show reaction to the break-in from George’s perspective – agree
7.      Tighten exclamation by goon threatening George – agree
8.      Express George’s surprise at what Bai says – agree
9.      Explain the smell of deadly intent – agree, working
10.  Describe the cover George was behind – agree
11.  Revise wording of Bai’s concluding statement – agree, working

BAM member –
1.      Good dialogue – thanks
2.      Consider Mosque scene as dialogue, rather than recall – agree, working
3.      Minor editorial suggestions – agree
4.      Explain how Brenda is an “inconvenience” – agree, working
5.      Consider Mosque scene as dialogue, rather than recall – agree, working
6.      Storage unit costs are too small , question ability to see into adjacent space – agree
7.      Where did the bandages come from, questioned accuracy of Bai’s response - agree
8.      First responders typically treat injured/wounded – agree, working
9.      Have Bai hit intruder with just one round – agree
10.  Would Bai’s hands shake after shooting intruder – yes, she closes her eyes when she shoots (she’s an amateur user of weapons)
11.  Don’t use “State Urban Warfare Games” – agree, working

BAM member –
1.      Enjoyed the wordiness – thanks
2.      Minor editorial suggestions – agree
3.      Shrink one descriptions – agree, working
4.      Another description so good I can see with my minds’ eyes - thanks
5.      Drop the wordiness of George’s bluffs – agree, working
6.      Change scene where Bai is bandaging the wounded intruder, have 911 responders do it – agree, working

BAM member –
1.      Good addition, glad to see we’ve come to the action - thanks
2.      Dialogue good in parts – agree, working
3.      Unsure if FBI would operate this way - agree
4.      Correct POV issue with storage unit guy – agree, working
5.      Numerous editorial suggestions – agree
6.      Surprised the goons weren’t more efficient – they’re not very competent
7.      Question body’s reaction to a bullet through the eye – agree, working
8.      Question the scene where Bai is bandaging the wounded intruder – agree
9.      Suggested Mick have another way to see into adjacent locker – agree, working
10.  Questioned use of Shia – disagree, I’m highlighting the stress between two major branches of Islam, something Dammit and his cell would stress as Sunnis
11.  Drop the wordiness of George’s bluffs – agree, working
12.  Clarify who “stood erect, two pistols in his belt” – agree, working

BAM member –
1.      Lots of action – thanks
2.      No one bills the FBI – will consider, as I’ve hinted at this before as an approach
3.      Have George and Bai store their pistol with a round in the chamber – agree
4.      Thought knee shot and bluff was cheesy – agree, working
5.      Bai wouldn’t bandage wounded killer – agree, working
6.      Thought use of “Dick Cheney” too old a reference – disagree, this is set during election period in California
7.      Minor editorial suggestion – agree
8.      Correct POV issue with storage man – agree, working

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