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Tuesday, February 28, 2017


Tessera Trilogy Blog Post 215

I’ve been very, very distracted by the news, trying to sort out the real, actual versus alternative, emanating from Washington. The conflict raises my anxiety for this country and our values. I’ve spent numerous hours reading and being depressed by the news. My reactions appear in another blog – please FOLLOW.


The working draft of The Next One now stands at 60 pages reviewed.

BAM 27 Feb  2017 critique comments
BAM member –
1.      Pretty good writing, kept with single POV - thanks
2.      Minor editorial suggestions – agree, working
3.      Liked Bai and Maria interchange - thanks
4.      Eliminate use of “Chica” – will reduce
5.      Shorten description of Mick’s character – agree, working
6.      Don’t believe George would tell Mick he can hack FBI database – will rephrase, but essential to rest of novel
7.      Felt that Bai could find a non-existent microbrewery via Google – disagree, reworded
8.      Reduce Bai’s saying George is smart – agree, working
9.      Nice tension at the end - thanks

BAM member –
1.      Gets better every week – thanks
2.      Emphasize tension, unclear where story is going – will work to emphasize
3.      Minor editorial suggestions – agree, working
4.      Clarify what part or parts of her body Maria is shaking – agree, working
5.      Adjust Bai’s dialogue with Maria to recognize Maria was ignoring Bai – agree
6.      Revise seeming emphasis on Mo’s wealth – agree, working
7.      Questioned Mick’s understanding George’s use of Baroque – disagree, his experiences include art and cultures of Europe, the world

BAM member –
1.      Dialogue between Bai and Maria is strained, women tell each other everything – will rework
2.      Watch TV shows Friends or Big Bang Theory for hints about females talking to each other – will revisit, make more sexual, explicit
3.      Minor editorial suggestions – agree, working
4.      Didn’t see the relevance of reference to Men are from Mars – disagree, but will rework
5.      Reduce having Bai say anything about how smart George is – agree, working

BAM member –
1.      This is best you’ve done – thanks
2.      Don’t have Bai say George is too smart for me – agree, working
3.      Suggested a character description change – agree, working

BAM member –
1.      Flowed well, good dialogue – thanks
Reduce use of Mick’s name – agree, working

Tuesday, February 21, 2017


Tessera Trilogy Blog Post 214

I’ve been very, very distracted by the news, trying to sort out the real, actual versus alternative,  emanating from Washington. The conflict raises my anxiety for this country and our values. I’ve spent numerous hours reading and being depressed by the news. My reactions appear in another blog – please FOLLOW.


Have been heavily distracted by two days of painting, kitchen, dining area, and family rooms. Glad that project is complete.

The process
Here is another segment of my latest published novel – Kashan Kashmeeri – for your holiday enjoyment. The segments are selected to progressively go through the novel, giving you a flavor of its compelling story and tension. Enjoy!


eneral Nazan issued the order, “Hujum … Hujum … Hujum.” The Arabic meant attack, a code word repeated over all circuits for emphasis. MODA’s Riyadh headquarters quickly confirmed the order on encrypted phones with each Sadeek missile officer, and LG Ubaidi.

 Amir looked at his cell phone, stomped his foot and yelled Alshshadid.  His joyous outburst cut the tension, and cleared his mind. Finally, I get to do something.

MODA authorities verified the targets for each missile battery and the launch order. To achieve maximum effect, the plan called for all missiles to impact at the same time. That required a precisely timed pace of launches. Like many things in war, the plan fractured the instant the radio blurted Hujum.

LG Amir acknowledged the orders, then scanned his checklist. He radioed each battery to verify receipt of the order.  The Sadeek sites, just repositioned across northern Arabia, were far from air bases. “MODA authorization confirmed,” First Lieutenant Harbi responded from Battery One.  Eleven other officers replied in sequence.

On the missile circuit Amir ordered, “Prepare for launch.”

Speakers at the Sadeek batteries rumbled with his order, and twelve sequentially acknowledged it. Engagement officers inserted enable keys, and then verified site and target coordinates. The officer’s voices at each location tensed as they stepped through checklists, mouthing a stream of directions to technicians and guards.
Tests confirmed all missiles ready.  Harbi responded first, “Target coordinates verified. Ready for launch.” Then one after another launch officer replied with the same status.

Amir mentally checked off the last checklist box. All batteries had radioed in ‘READY.’

He gave the order –

The working draft of The Next One now stands at 56 pages reviewed.


BAM 20 Feb  2017 critique comments
BAM member –
1.      Felt start was a little stiff, purple – it is what I was opting for (soft and yet sexual)
2.      Correct POV shifts – agree, working
3.      Minor editorial suggestions – agree, working
4.      Consider use of a nametag to identify Dr. Dreamy – agree, working
5.      Insert tabs – agree
6.      Pretty good, well written – thanks
7.      Liked use of love manual, techniques A-1, A-2 – thanks
8.      Reduce use of exclamation points - agree

BAM member –
1.      The romantic scene is predictable – thanks, I was hoping for that
2.      Might consider making it more obvious she’s in charge of relationship – she is
3.      Felt Bai’s interactions with Dr. Dreamy weren’t realistic – author choice
4.      Should re-title this “One Shade of George” - thanks
5.      Minor editorial suggestions – agree, working
6.      The conflict with Dr. Dreamy disappeared too fast – agree, but fits the story

BAM member –
1.      Don’t start a section without clear indication of POV – agree, working
2.      Improve clarity of POV – agree, working
3.      Felt one expression was “kinda cinematic” and had no clear POV – disagree
4.      Eliminate out of character statement by George, who always think – disagree, some things (sexual in this case) instinctive
5.      Remove time reference before start of seminar – disagree, tried to imply more sex
6.      Don’t say Bai’s eyes scanned, she did – agree, working
7.      Was confused about Bai’s movements away from George to speak with Dr. Dreamy, and whether George would have heard – disagree, movements and use of whisper make it clear
8.      You stayed in one person’s POV in one section – Awesome! – thanks
9.      Suggested use of “seismic” vice “atomic” wedgie – disagree
10.  Insert tabs – agree
11.  Questioned whether North American plate is in Monterey Bay – it is
12.  Wow! I tore this one up – doesn’t mean it’s bad. I’m enjoying it - thanks

BAM member –
1.      Lessen use of clichés  – will consider
2.      Minor editorial suggestions – agree, working
3.      Liked intimate references - thanks
4.      Suggested dropping George’s inner thoughts about sex – disagree
5.      Questioned identity of speaker in one place – shown as Dr. Dreamy
6.      Too great a use of self thoughts – disagree, a very different situation for George
7.      Liked George’s evolution as a character – thanks

BAM member –
1.      Great intimacy imagery – thanks
2.      Several positive comments about use of humor – thanks
3.      Minor editorial suggestions – agree, working
4.      I liked the relationship firming, the intimacy was nicely done – thanks
5.      Liked the interplay between Bai and George - thanks

BAM member –
1.      Addition was good – thanks
2.      Felt George’s scientist character being lost – disagree, he’s being socially aware
3.      Questioned why Bai is “so” provocative (socially, sexually) – she’s young, interested, wants to improve his social skills
4.      Lacked hook at end - working
5.      Questions about POV – agree, working
6.      A new dimension for George and Bai – thanks
7.      Waiting for Bai to turn into a harpie – disagree, not the plan

BAM member –
1.      Good dialogue, moved along well - thanks
2.      No written comments –

BAM member –
1.      This is really good, best you’ve done so far – thanks
2.      Great characters, dialogue, comedy and romance – thanks
3.      The last two pages ran out of steam – agree, working

4.      No written comments

Tuesday, February 14, 2017


Tessera Trilogy Blog Post 213

I’ve been very, very distracted by the news, trying to sort out the real, actual versus alternative,  emanating from Washington. The conflict raises my anxiety for this country and our values. I’ve spent numerous hours reading and being depressed by the news. My reactions appear in another blog – please FOLLOW.

The process
Here is another segment of my latest published novel – Kashan Kashmeeri – for your holiday enjoyment. The segments are selected to progressively go through the novel, giving you a flavor of its compelling story and tension. Enjoy!

The Commander In Chief folded his hands on the table and pursed his lips, “Be back here tomorrow at 08:00, before the Vice President and SECSTATE fly off to the sand box. Bring your inputs on how to keep the friggin sky from falling.”


ECSTATE and VPOTUS were already in the air, flying east to the center of the quagmire. Thursday mid-morning in the WHSR, and more BREAKING NEWS was in everyone’s mind. Ellington smiled, felt like his team was enroute, about to make a difference. He moved his fingers on the remote; the TV’s volume amped up.

     The commentator’s voice came on. “CNN has more for you our listening audience, a new Middle East update. Syria has just informed the UN and the US Embassy in Damascus that it would not permit military aircraft to transit its airspace enroute Israel. Listen later today for the latest world news on this CNN station.”

POTUS muted the TV, looked around the Situation Room, “Guys, our Ambassador in Ankara just informed us that Turkey has invoked a ‘no fly’ region in accordance with some obscure UN resolution, yet Turkey stated it wished to remain part of NATO’s collective security.”

“The Turks and Syrians, maybe they just want to stay out of the line of fire,” DeVries stated as she moved closer to the Vice President’s chair, the two now video conferencing enroute the Middle East on Air Force Two. “No one wants other countries’ armies massing next door. That could be the real concern here. I’ll try to decipher it, take action to inquire about these developments.”  She looked as VPOTUS nodded concurrence.


ate that afternoon the NSC reconvened, its live secure link with Air Force Two re-enabled. Peckingham was briefing information newly received from Riyadh, “Mister President, Arabia, at DEFCON ONE as you recall, agreed on a framework to enter Jordan and train defensively.  The declaration states that Jordan and Arabia neither support, nor will they act to oppose, the coalition. Additionally the intention was stated to prevent incursions into land, sea, or air spaces by Iran or Iraq.”

Ellington suddenly looked worn, “Any new moves by either the Saudi or Jordanian militaries?”

“Yes, Mister President. Their AWACS are up 24/7 now; and they’ve got Combat Air Patrol or CAP assigned, two sections. That’s four fighters armed with every missile they could hang on them. The AWACS are even controlling some Jordanian CAP. The planes seem to be mostly along their respective borders with Iraq, with orders to shoot if borders are crossed. This is a dangerous new twist.”

The working draft of The Next One now stands at 53 pages reviewed.

BAM 13 Feb  2017 critique comments

BAM member –
1.      Minor editorial suggestions – agree, working
2.      Correct POV shifts, pick one and stick with it – agree, working
3.      Good addition, nice flow, pace – thanks
4.      Developing romance apparent – thanks
5.      Delete second mention of Cannery Row – agree
6.      Flowed well, good dialogue – thanks
7.      Erotic scene not overdone, credible - thanks

BAM member –
1.      George seems to get in his own way often – was my intent to portray him as socially clueless
2.      What is the real attraction between these two – George said she was “most beautiful women in the world.” Bai is falling in love with him, gradually, building a relationship.
3.      Minor editorial suggestions – agree, working
4.      Explain how George had known taxi driver in Monterey – agree, but driver is a throwaway character
5.      George’s reaction/response to Bai’s saying room felt chilly seemed too formal – thanks, he does have social deficit disorder
6.      Clarify how George knows taxi driver in Monterey – agree, working

BAM member –
1.      Correct POV errors – agree, working
2.      Was confused about George reserving two rooms in Monterey motel, giving up one for other (honeymoon) couple
3.      Suggested incorporating waiter to deliver meal at Monterey bay restaurant – agree
4.      Confused about intention of Bai’s response to George’s suggestively moving his fingers across her palms
5.      Provided explicit comment about cuddling – will ignore

BAM member –
1.      Really different from previous segments – thanks
2.      Good details and descriptions – thanks
3.      Felt she was walking through Monterey with characters - thanks
4.      Minor editorial suggestions – agree, working
5.      Love scene done well - thanks

BAM member –
1.      Addition was good – thanks
2.      Bai would find George’s science talk boring – correct
3.      Questioned why Bai is “so” provocative (socially, sexually) – she’s young, interested, wants to improve his social skills
4.      Missed whether Serge in Orange county was taxi driver in Monterey – will clarify
5.      Questions about POV – agree, working

BAM member –
1.      Agreed with others comments
2.      Nicely done - thanks
3.      No written comments –

BAM member –

1.      Left early – no comments

Tuesday, February 7, 2017


Tessera Trilogy Blog Post 212

I’ve been very, very distracted by the news, trying to sort out the real, actual versus alternative,  emanating from Washington. The conflict raises my anxiety for this country and our values. I’ve spent numerous hours reading and being depressed by the news. My reactions appear in another blog – please FOLLOW.



The process – Writing, and reading – I re-read David Baldacci’s Split Second.
A t tonight’s BAM critique session I exchanged my newest novel, Kashan Kashmeeri, with D. Allen Miles for his two novels – Balfour and the Shadow Pirate, and Balfour and the Cargo of Innocence.

The working draft of The Next One now stands at 49 reviewed pages.


BAM 06 Feb  2017 critique comments

Received by far the most complete, critical – but helpful – comments.

BAM member –
1.      Minor editorial suggestions – agree, working
2.      Improve how we know Bai was being followed – improving to show in narrative and dialogue
3.      Bai could not have seen the accident parts scattering – sort of agree, but working
4.      Move the accident radio reports to end of reviewed segment – agree, will move to where she throws up
5.      Improve clarity of Bai’s fears – agree, working
6.      Clarify Bai’s mixed reactions – frantic, then asking for a margarita – I want to portray the mixed messages. She didn’t know for certain of Mafia, only that someone followed

BAM member –
1.      Dialogue was good – thanks
2.      You’ve taken us in a different direction – agree
3.      Looking forward to next segment - thanks
4.      Minor editorial suggestions – agree, working
5.      Improve sequence of Bai evading her pursuer – agree, will improve
6.      Clarify reference to Freeway as “405” alone – agree, working
7.      Improve Bai’s interaction with George after accident – agree, working

BAM member –
1.      Correct POV errors – agree, working
2.      Confused as to whether Bai knew she was being followed – working to improve, but I want this confusion and uncertainty
3.      Change to show she scanned with her eyes, not her eyes scanned  – agree
4.      Improve timing of hearing radio  broadcasts – agree, working
5.      Couldn’t believe truck driver wouldn’t accurately identify the yellow Golf  which caused the accidents – agree; however, most eye witnesses are inconsistent
6.      Explain earlier about Bai’s practice of looking for pursuers – will improve
7.      Questioned inaccuracy, glibness of reporters – disagree; it’s what they do
8.      Tie the sounds, but not visuals of accident, to Bai – agree, working

BAM member –
1.      Great imagery – thanks
2.      Very good addition - thanks
3.      Minor editorial suggestions – agree, working
4.      Improve the intensity of Bai’s fears  – working to improve, but I want to keep uncertainty about why she thinks they were following her, versus George’s belief
5.       Increase Bai’s intensity about buying a gun – agree, working
6.      Bai wouldn’t snicker at radio reporter news – agree, working
7.      Yeah, Baby! Out of place compared to her fears – agree, working

BAM member –
1.      Action was good – thanks
2.      Bai wouldn’t know what happened behind her – agree in part; she could have seen parts as she exited 405 Freeway
3.      Clarify that fender didn’t gesture at scene of accident – agree
4.      Who stood after arm pinched – agree, fixed
5.      No written comments
6.      Didn’t understand about parking meter experiment – disagree, explained in prior segments
7.      Interesting, but confusing  – disagree, explained in prior segments

BAM member –
1.      Agreed with others comments
2.      No written comments –

BAM member –

1.      Left without review or comments –