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Sunday, June 12, 2016


Tessera Trilogy Blog Post 195

Progress as determined by page count, word count and percent stands as follows: total page count went down to 181; total word count inched down to 97.6 K, and percent increased to  98.2 percent.

RWG 11 June 2016 critique comments
RWG member –
1.      Urgency of war realistic – thanks
2.      Resonates with me as a reader – thanks
3.      The tone is exciting; political dialogue feels real – thanks
4.      Politicians lying to each other seems realistic, enjoyed it - thanks

RWG member (new member) –
1.       Pace too fast – disagree
2.      Narration jumps often without leadins – agree; working
3.      Use characters to describe feelings - agree
4.      Minor editorial comments – agreed with half
5.      Rodolofo too poetic in his words – agree; working
6.      Reword “mélange of prayers” – agree; working

RWG member -
1.      Show how Commander-in-Chief tensed – agree
2.      Describe age of kids sooner – agree
3.      Identify town – done in earlier segment
4.      Clarify APC – armored personnel carriers – agree; working
5.      Minor editorial changes – agree; working

RWG member –
1.       Questioned meanings of CRITIC and BROKEN ARROW – described, defined earlier
2.      No written comments

RWG member –
1.       Suggested describing “ethnic embellishments” – agree; working
2.       Change Peace to lower case – agree
3.      Name Israeli family as participants – disagree; they’d be throwaway characters
4.      No written comments

RWG member –
1.       No written comments provided
2.      One of your best; your writing is improving – thanks
3.      Questioned whether “Kibbutzim” was a realistic Israeli family name – working
4.      Action and plot clear; some language too flowery – agree; working
5.      POTUS wouldn’t speak that way (blunt) – disagree

6.      Couldn’t establish the story, flow - working

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