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Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Blog Post 123

Tessera Trilogy Blog post 123

Sales of Sooley Base have picked up!!! Yea!!!

 A segment of Kashan Kashmeeri was reviewed/critiqued at a Monday Books-A-million meeting.

Reviewer comments:
After revising the segment it was taken to the BAM meeting. The segment was read and critiqued at the end of the meeting.
BAM members provided written critiques of the segment as follows:

BAM member
1.       Well written, good dialogue – agree
2.       Explain how Wednesday relates to Muslim Friday – agree; in process
  1. Incorporate reference to when character served on ships – agree; in process
4.       Minor editorial changes – agree
5.       Suggested word changes – agree
6.       Show me around …” not believable, incorporate more to and fro – agree; in process

BAM member
1.       Unconvincing use of female dialogue (not what they’d say)  
2.       Explain how Wednesday relates to Muslim Friday – agree; in process
3.       Minor editorial changes – agree

BAM member
1.       Was uncertain of gender of character – disagree; clear from previous segments and text
2.       Uncertain of use of POV – agree; in process
3.       Unclear of setting - disagree; clear from previous  text
4.       Characters posing questions was distracting – agree; in process
5.       Change question to statement punctuation wise – agree; in process
6.       Change sequence of sentences – agree; in process

BAM member
1.        No written comments

2.       Not hard to follow, interesting 

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