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Monday, December 3, 2012

Blog Post 96

The Tessera Trilogy  Blog entry 96

Sooley Base word count as of 18 October 2012 – 82,092.

Working to turn lemons to lemonade. An upgrade to prime PC involved uninstalling Office XP Small Business, which lacked Power Point program. The second phase was installing Office 2007 Student and Home Edition, which has Power Point. The problem was that the newer version lacked the desktop shortcut bar, so to open a Word document one has to activate Word, then “OPEN” each document, then re-save as a Word document. It was a lengthy and time consuming effort. But it is mostly done for the many Word documents.

This effort caused re-examination of the many fragments, chapters of Sooley Base. The effort showed lots of work to insert meaningful dialogue, re-sequence the fragments into appropriate segment of the novel. The work goes on. Work does continue despite all distractions on Sooley Base, the second novel of The Tessera Trilogy.  

The day at volunteer job allowed me to spend time working on Sooley Base, although completing it before Black Friday or even the end of the year remains a moot question – probably March of 2013 looks achievable.

Fredericksburg is about to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the Battle which contested the city, and filled cemeteries with Union and Confederate dead. It occurred during what it sometimes referred to as the The War of Yankee Aggression, or That Late Unpleasantness … one can get the feeling that some which the South had won. SAD!!!

Have been scanning lots of old family photos, burning them and files to CDs to share, in an effort to downsize genealogical efforts to just my paternal roots. Parts of the efforts are in the HICUZ Blog at .

Monday, October 15, 2012

Blog Post 95

The Tessera Trilogy  

Three weekends ago we were out walking at a local National Park. We chanced upon a small kitten, struggling out of brush by the side of a wood. Its golden color attracted my eye as it dragged itself from the brush. After resisting the urge to pick it up we noticed from its movements that its rear legs (or hips) were severely injured. The location of the local SPCA was determined with the assistance of a biker. I gingerly picked up the kitty and put it in a plastic container to keep it from being stepped on and we headed off to the SPCA.

They welcomed us, but said there was no room at the Inn, and checked the kitty, which purred in supplication for shelter. The SPCA folks determined that Kitty needed shots and probably surgery on her hind quarters. We were told to check the County Animal Shelter, and anxiously headed there. A sign o0n its door stated bluntly: No Cats accepted. Apprehension became my major sensation.

A very pleasant women at the door asked about Kitty, who purred as she examined its darkened right leg. Despite increased anxiety occasioned by her Love Pit Bull tee shirt, my fears disappeared as she said she would take Kitty if the shelter didn’t, even suggesting she’d have its rear leg amputated and proper care given at an older age. It was a welcome end to a period of anxiety over our newly found friend.

My efforts at writing have been few and far between, but recently I’ve consolidated several segments into draft chapters, and renamed those chapters. Lots of work ahead.

An author (Richard Ford) was recently interviewed on BBC America and was asked how easy it was to become an internationally known author. He said it all, paraphrasing here  – “You have to marry the perfect partner, one who loves your writing or supports you … or totally ignores your efforts. Then you have to be sober, not poor, never get sick, an d have lots of time. Lastly you must have a consummate command of words.”  Wish me luck with these!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Blog post 94

The one page, double spaced segment below was reviewed at RWG meeting 10/13/2012.
Two men strode toward the building ahead and the journey beyond. Aware of the power of a dragon, they moved with purpose, their mission a closely held secret. Like Aladdin, these travelers from the desert sands knew the duality of such power. Storytellers recorded that if a dragon escaped its bonds, it could turn on its masters and devour them. One could use them, but only at great risk and after considering the power so constrained.  The journey to acquire such influence held dangers of its own, as ancients knew from the tale of Pandora’s Box.
The expedition began, with these desert princes journeying to distant lands. The brothers were uncertain what would emerge, but prayed they could bargain for what suited their needs. When ones’ neighbor bought a dragon, one need acquire one in self defense, or steal theirs.
Over the terminal’s structure the sun rose, the glint from the sun’s rays offering God’s splendor and blessings. The Call to Prayer resounded from the Muzzeine in his minaret – “God is great.” The reminder to pray echoed from the speakers in each corner of the terminal. All heard but few prayed openly; the brothers were consumed with a more worldly concern.
                “I worry about those bastards across the water” Hamid, the eldest, told his sibling. “They keep killing each other off, buying new weapons, threatening us with their new toys.” He frowned, concern on his face. “We go to do what we must. There is no other avenue, no alternative. Our journey will complete our plans.”
Of eleven entries reviewed by Guest Speaker Joanne Liggan, above received a B minus grade. Three entries were graded lower at C (two) or C minus (one). A comment offered was that a poet of note in RWG has a garage filled with printed copies of his poems, awaiting buyers.
The following comments were offered:
1.        Concern with use of dragon as metaphor, or real life weapon system
2.       Not enough of story in first page
3.       RWG member  – What is coming in story?
4.       RWG member  – pompously written
5.       JRWG member  – I was interested when heard of “bastards across the water.”
6.       RWG member  liked use of metaphor
7.       RWG member  – put “those bastards” as first sentence
8.       RWG member  – turned off  by use of fantasy metaphor (dragons)
9.       RWG member  – dragon metaphor too strong (dominant)
Joanne Liggan, author of a Romantic Saga Family Trilogy, offered these insights into successful writing. Selling a book, interesting buyers, is like Opening a store. She called it the Grand Opening. The author needs a location, store – the setting.
Locate the store – Set the story in a setting
Set up the store – Introduce the plot and characters
Stock the shelves – complete a first draft, to conclusion
Go back (restock) – create best opening and ending lines –these should have same theme. This
 not an absolute, as many successful authors evolve their characters and story.

First sentence must be a hook, grabbers – develop interest, draw the reader in
First line should describe what will follow, make it inevitable
First line – declarative (not hard and fast) – but must pose a question in reader’s mind
An author may set up the story with an echo of the content of book

Insights gained and ideas
Open Mike timing – a three page, double spaced paper corresponds roughly to five minutes
Watch for repetitive use of words – that, he, they, etc..
Incorporate description of brothers at start
Posturing, gesturing, putting on the dog

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Tessera Trilogy blog 93

Progress on the second novel of the Tessera Trilogy, Sooley Base, continues with characters being developed, dialogues flushed out, and the author’s frenetic mind scrambling to make progress on the novel. Keep your fingers crossed and become a follower of this blog, and read Golden Gate.

Working to turn lemons to lemonade. An upgrade to prime PC involved uninstalling Office XP Small Business, which lacked Power Point program. The second phase was installing Office 2007 Student and Home Edition, which has Power Point. The problem was that the newer version lacked the desktop shortcut bar, so to open a Word document one has to activate Word, then “OPEN” each document, then re-save as a Word document. It was a lengthy and time consuming effort. But it is mostly done for the many Word documents.

This effort caused re-examination of the many fragments, and draft chapters of Sooley Base. The effort showed lots of work to insert meaningful dialogue, re-sequence the fragments into appropriate segment of the novel. The work goes on.

The day at volunteer job allowed me to spend time working on Sooley Base, although completing it before Black Friday or even the end of the year remains a moot question.

Here, to the thrill of family, friends, and fans, is another segment from Golden Gate, the first novel of The Tessera Trilogy.

They ended up saying good night hours later, Tooley giving Chaywallah his business card. The card read Roger Stansfield, and gave an office number in Riyadh and several phone numbers.  “I’d be glad to help you if I can. I fly back to Riyadh in the morning, how about you?”

“I have to leave in the morning. I’m flying back to Dammam and then driving on to Ad Dawaidimi.” They had shared sad stories, built a bond of their sorrows. Tooley’s were from years before, Chaywallah’s from the present. Tooley worried … what if I give him bad advice? I could get him burned … even blow my cover.

Tooley felt a warm glow … I have this guy by the balls. He wanted more.  “I know someone who might be interested, for a price, to buy those negatives. They might be interested in other investigative work you do.”

Stefano looked at him …”Like what?”

Then Stefano’s ears heard Roger say, turned slowly and asked - “What is Tunnel Eight?”

Stefano suddenly stopped and looked cautiously at Roger; he knew he’d said too much. I’m hanging over the edge of a cliff, dangling from a rope, and Roger controls that rope. Does he have a knife?

Our writers group annual Parade of Prose occurs today. I will advertise Golden Gate, and may inject several five minute readings of either Golden Gate, or that and a draft segment from Sooley Base. Wish me luck … and sales.

Become a follower! 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Blog post 92

Another segment from Golden Gate, the first novel of the Tessera Trilogy, is offered for your review and comment.

Traffic on Airport Road was quickly sealed off. Startled by gunfire and spooked by the emerging emergency vehicles, those who could flee did so. Others were rapidly diverted after the fact by the Police units converging from several streets. Many Saudis, western ex-pats, and TCNs personally witnessed the results of this attack. Only ex-pats took photos, and those were taken secretly. No pictures would appear in Riyadh’s newspapers. A few made their way to Stefano.

The story spread as it mutated, additional parts coming from across the city. Though little would appear in print in the Kingdom, Stefano would soon have a large collection, and pictured his name with a byline on international papers. Even if I can’t print them here I can take them to Bahrain and file the story.

Three security guards were stationed at the DQ’s main entrance gate. This was the norm, unless circumstances required augmentation. Intel had not yet reached the guards force at the gate of an expected attack, or the attacks underway across the city. Corporals Hamid, Walid, and Sergeant Tabuz expected the same boring routine, screening diplomats, their families, and the support contractors flowing daily in and out of the DQ.

Two white Suburban vans sped into view, carrying fifteen men of strong belief lead by Falaj. The vans approached the DQ gate at speed. As they neared the gate they started engaging the three guards with automatic weapons fire. Sergeant Tabuz slammed his fist on the Red Button, activating the buried entry barriers. He drew his Glock and emptied two clips at the assailants as they stormed the gate.

His trained response was the last act in Tabuz’s life.


Have been struggling with the second novel (Sooley Base) recently, and have had the pleasure of putting my early efforts up for critical review by the Riverside writers Group. After last night’s review I feel like the followers of Spartacus after the rebellion of slaves was put down by Rome. I can feel the holes in my hands from being nailed to my efforts.  Here are those early critical comments. While they were thorough, I have to remind myself of the eventual goal.

Critiques are from members of Riverside Writers Group. Mixed comments were received. Inputs are being considered for incorporation.

Wow! I love these paragraphs (first three) but it sounds like fantasy about dragons.

Female RWG member
1)      Clarify use of dragon metaphor – in process
2)      Clarify the time period – in process
3)      Describe how Hamid and Boldar are dressed – in process
4)      Good simile “When a bear …” – thanks
5)      Do Arabs play cards – yes
6)      The technical talk between brothers is very US in style – in process
(Recall spokesman of Saddam Hussein and metaphors used)
7)      Is use of trump card wording realistic – yes
8)      Clarify usage of ASW and GCC – in process
9)       Simplify description of airport terminal – in process
10)   Islam forbids alcohol – reject, KOSA is awash in alcohol via black market
11)   Clarify PRC – will consider
12)   Description of HK’s airport is too detailed – will simplify

Female RWG members –
1 ) When did Five Star ratings of hotels start? –  in progress
2)   Shelia – too technical – will consider
3)   Shelia – unclear what time period – in progress
4)   Dialogue identity not clear – in progress

Male RWG author –
1)      Do not start paragraphs with “The” –  in progress
2)      Minor editorial and spelling changes –  in progress
3)      Delete duplicate use of fire, page 2 –  in progress
4)      Reduce stilted  talk, “Hamid replied …” –  in progress
5)      Introduce, explain GCC earlier –  in progress
6)      Reduce duplicate use of luxury, luxurious –  in progress
7)      Identify speaker, “It is my …” –  in progress
8)      Reduce detailed description of the plane –  in progress
9)      Describe what the men, and guards look like in progress
10)  Questioned whether princes would pollute their mission with pleasure – reject, essential as a cover
11)  This effort drowns in minutia – reject, in progress
12)  Less telling (narrative), more action in progress
13)  Outline of action unclear for actual purpose in progress
14)  Good start to setting, but what motivates brothers reject, in progress
15)  Couldn’t determine time period – in progress
16)  Can you add “kick the camel in his ass” – will consider

Female RWG member –
1)      Good analogy in Royal de Terminal paragraph – Thanks
2)      Add description of Boldar and Hamid – in process
3)      Hamid – agree, in progress

RWG couple  –
1)      Was confused and referred to ancient setting of Golden Gateignore
2)      Too much technical detail - 

RWG female poet –
1)      Excessive use of luxury, luxurious – in progress
2)      Too much coverage of International affairs – will consider
3)      Confusion between dragons, camels, and missiles – in process
4)      Is discussion of dragons a metaphor, or about real dragons – metaphor
5)      Why is dialogue like TV reporter – in process
6)      Describe how they dress – in process
7)      Put paragraph “Posturing for power ..” in dialogue – in process
8)      Minor editorial suggestions – will consider
9)      Delete “All heard but …” – reject
10)  Is all the detail of “paragraph “Riyadh’s airport …” necessary – in process
11)  How did they learn (“As they walked …”) – need to convert to dialogue
12)  Is paragraph “The plane’s …” necessary – in process
13)  Is paragraph “The 747 taxied …” too much -  in process

New RWG male member –
1)      Too much detail on airport – in progress

RWG members -
1)      Add description of Boldar and Hamid – in progress
2)      Use Arabic terminology – will consider
3)      Do Arabs play cards? – YES
4)      Clarify GCC and ASW – in process
5)      Is the setting modern or ancient –
6)      Change “sands” to “sandals” at end of “… but the black gold beneath our sands.” - – in progress
7)      Revise “flat voice with conviction” – in progress
8)      Clarify GCC and ASW – in process
9)      Delete “to find” in “to find dragons.” – in process
10)  Describe details of luxury in airport more concisely – in process
11)  Delete “Luxurious” before “supple.” – in process
12)   Consolidate descriptions of airport terminal – in process
13)   Clarify PRC – reject
14)  Paragraphs “as they waked …” and “The plane’s …” are repetitive – agree, in progress
15)  Why did princes have interest in water beside HK runway - agree, in progress
16)  Use bigger font, type size – reject, will be right in e-book
17)   Why did they watch the waters in progress

Take aways –
17)   Female RWG members still have lower tolerance for technical terms
18)   Review to reduce repetitive adjectives, adverbs
19)   If use a metaphor or simile, don’t point out that fact
20)   Use dialogue

Friday, August 24, 2012

Blog post 91

Another segment from Golden Gate, the first novel of the Tessera Trilogy, is offered for your review and comment.

 Ab Quaiq was an idyllic village near the Al Hassa oasis in the Eastern Province. Concealed beneath its serene surface were men of strong belief, men with little tolerance. Many such Shia men lived there, and some met there, in Abdul’s home, away from its room for women, to plan attacks on infidels and unworthy Muslims.

They targeted first those who lived at the Rasheef Omram Compound. The compound residents would be the first infidels in Riyadh they would kill on their Jihad. Residing here with their families were western electronics contractors. The residents represented a number of the firms that built, maintained, and trained the military on its aircraft, ships, vehicles, missile systems, radars, and ancillary equipment. A Who’s Who of western technical support was represented among the residents; most were former military or retirees, plus US military, DOD personnel and their families. 

Abdul, Hamid and Walid emptied their clips through the door. The noise was a decibel level not fit for ears. The buildings’ marble walls and floor created a tornadic blast as empty shell casings clattered to the floor. The smell of cordite assaulted their noses. Abdul tried to say something to Walid, but nothing was heard above the awful din that surged at their ear drums. He grabbed Walid’s arm, pointed to the door, tried to convey the idea they must knock it open or down. Walid didn’t respond or move.

Haven't been working on the second novel (Sooley Base) recently, as I've reverted to genealogist. I'm trying to offload files and photos to CUZZES so they can continue the research in their family lines. Just trying to sort through the stacks and boxes is a task worthy of the Gods. Hopefully that distraction, and setting up a Blog for my High School class will lessen in the weeks ahead.


Saturday, August 4, 2012

Blog Entry 90

Progress on the second novel of the Tessera Trilogy, Sooley Base, continues. DP is consolidating several sets of notes into previously structured chapters. The chapters are very obviously either too short and of unrelated material, or are too long with the same issues. Much work remains, a product of DP’s eclectic process of writing. 

Here, to the thrill of family, friends, and fans, is another segment from Golden Gate, the first novel of The Tessera Trilogy.

The editor knew of this surveillance, but neglected to brief Stefano on this facet of life in Arabia. Jabril frowned - This story is hot. I wonder when I’ll get the call or a visit.

Mr. Faraj Jabril’s phone rang; he could not ignore it. Now all I need is to be hassled further. The call was from PTT. “There have been technical issues with our facsimile lines. We are indeed sorry, and hope to correct the issue shortly.” The story never made it to the Riyadh AFP office.

Deep below a hotel in Ashdod a team of analysts reviewed the most recent OFFEQ photographs. The Mossad Deputy Director for Operations was curious what all those trucks were carrying up through the mountains. What could the Saudis be doing?  Several potential options came to Colonel Ari Levitz, None of them are good? What do we do?

Ari’s analysts would shortly track the truck convoy to the desert area, and discover American surveillance of it. What was this about?

Monday, July 30, 2012

Blog Entry 89

Progress on the second novel of the Tessera Trilogy, Sooley Base, continues with struggles to piece together the various electronic notes into a coherent flow of characters, actions, dialogue. The current word count is hovering around 75 to 80 thousand words, but this is a very soft figure, as a great deal of work remains.

I missed yet another meeting of the writers’ group, and am recovering from last medical procedures, a sigmoidectomy.

I remain am out of shape, flabby, but poised to see classmates from half a century ago. Should be fun.

Another task which took time was removing and re-installing a trailer hitch from one car to another. This made the older one ready for donation to the gear heads at the County’s technical school. They were very appreciative and assured us the car will see years of further service as a training tool and as transportation.

I have several significant sightings in the habitats around the house to report.  Baby humming bird somehow flew into the garage, attracted perhaps by the reddish color of the sedan. We managed to help it out by holding a plastic rake up to it, letting it hop aboard, then moving it near the opening.  On one of the backyard bird baths a yellow finch and a sparrow shared the same water; it was good to see su8ch avian harmony.

I want to give an unsolicited endorsement of an ant repellant product. We get ants each summer, coming in by the kitchen window as the temperatures outside soar. We just tried Terro
Ant Killer drops and the hordes are gone.

Here, to the thrill of family, friends, and fans, is another segment from Golden Gate, the first novel of The Tessera Trilogy.

Whenever the Saudi government denied something, it was holy writ amongst ex-pats there to decree that something true. The existence of this effort was never, per se, denied. When there seemed a possibility that a leak about the nuclear waste would surface, Ambassador Van DerMeer astutely took the wind out of its sails. He offered that “if such a preposterous thing were even conceived, the real plan would have been to send all atomic waste to Tehran for injection into worthy fanatics.” That drew a hearty laugh in ex-pat social circles and defused further questions.

Stefano smelled a scoop. He circulated, gathering additional bits of Intel.  He pretended to drink and even slurred words for effect; the tactic worked. Four more of the crew verified the attack, spoke of the death of a Vietnamese, and of the roar of a terrible weapon spewing fire. He assured them of anonymity -

His assessment of Omar and of the burial detail to date was positive; all was as it should be. That assessment would prove later to be wrong; the US had just been snookered.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Blog entry 88

Progress on the second novel of the Tessera Trilogy, Sooley Base, continues with characters being developed, dialogues flushed out, and the author’s recent hospital experiences incorporated into the story line. Keep your fingers crossed and become a follower of this blog, and read Golden Gate.

I missed yet another meeting of the writers’ group, still recovering from last medical procedures. My colonoscopy now complete, and awaiting a colonectomy, the Docs were unable to find the lead I was so often accused to be hiding.

I discovered recently that despite weight loss which puts me at high school weight, I am out of shape, flabby, and poised to see again classmates from half a century ago. Should be fun.

Another task which took time was removing and re-installing a trailer hitch from one car to another. This makes the older one just about ready for donation to the gear heads at the County’s technical school.

Here, to the thrill of family, friends, and fans, is another segment from Golden Gate, the first novel of The Tessera Trilogy.

The squirrel at this hook held a pistol in his hand and was sliding over the railing to the deck as Hung approached. Both crouched and fired, but Hung’s shots were better aimed. The Lanun lurched sideways, blood spurting from two holes in his chest. He looked at Hung and mumbled, and then fell bleeding to the deck. Hung paused “Got you, you muthafucker!”

The second squirrel was left-handed and his assault rifle’s flashes were offset from where Hung expected his torso to be, the mistake in Hung’s aim was fatal. Another staccato burst of automatic gunfire alerted Tooley. He cringed as he saw Hung slump to the deck.

Tooley ran back aft and up to the mini-gun mount. He switched on its power again and swung it angrily towards the boat holding the one enemy he could see and could shoot.

The boat rocked from his turn to move away from the maneuvering ship.  Mahudh struggled to grab his second RPG. As Tooley saw him moving a rocket to his shoulder he lined up the mini-gun and squeezed the trigger.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Blog Entry 87

Updates on the process, and obstructions facing DP Tolan, author of The Tessera Trilogy.

TNO, a novel planned as a sequel to the Tessera trilogy, is now on permanent hold. The reasons are manifold, too much to do on Sooley Base and Kashan Kashmeeri, and projects which linger in the yard and home. A trip waits to see my oldest brother in RI, and to continue on to Maine for a fiftieth High School reunion. In the fall a visit to Texas to see family also is on the

So, will DP Tolan achieve the deadline of completion of Sooley Base – hopefully! Will the price of Golden Gate remain stable – YES!  Are copies of Golden Gate still available at Barnes and Noble, – YES!

Progress on Sooley Base continues, with the novels’ characters being developed, interactions explored between competing organizations and nations, and the author’s recent near-death experiences incorporated into the storyline. Keep your fingers crossed and become a follower of this blog, and read Golden Gate.

Here, to the thrill of my many readers, is another segment from Golden Gate, the first novel of The Tessera Trilogy.

The plan was to secretly ship some of America’s most radioactive waste to Saudi Arabia, and bury it in the desert. “Tooley, the plan seems sound, but such things are rarely as simple as they seem. Can the Saudis keep a secret, the genie in the bottle? Failure not an option I think. Is this too hot to handle?”

This burial scheme seemed straightforward, but its scope and audacity alone took their breath away. Tooley felt and showed unease, but smiled with a questioning look - “What are they going to do to me if we fail, send me back to Viet Nam?”

Hung flinched … “Well, maybe not you, but almost certainly me!”

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Blog Entry 86

In the grand scheme of things fragging utterly ruins someone’s day. A new tragedy among US forces in Nam, it occurred when a soldier, pissed off at being needlessly endangered by his NCOs or Officers or often under investigation for crimes, rolled a frag grenade into that NCO or officers’ quarters. The result was usually an untraceable death; grenades leave no fingerprints.

“Damn, what did that slope say?” Yuri looked down, under his desk. There it was, a grenade, at his feet. He screamed. Oh shit! and started to get up. 

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Blog entry 85

I’m back at home, after about two weeks giving a huge number of docs and nurses some memorable learning experiences. Glad that it is over – I can still hear the docs laughing in the hall outside my room.

It necessarily interrupted any writing, but was an experience. I can even say I was researching medical protocols for my second and fourth novels. One doc I intend to put in one of the books said – “make me taller.” I’ll humor him, as he plans to buy my first book, as he just bought a Nook.

I can say I didn’t go into the light, but only just barely. I went to see my PCM for an appt for numerous bad symptoms; she’s a general practice doc. I literally collapsed in her office, with vitals going in alarming directions as I turned blue, shivered and collapsed. They carted me off to the ER, and somehow decided I was worth saving. I wish I had a video of my collapse in her office; it would go viral on You Tube. Did I just say that? I must be feeling better. I can’t wait to see how she treats me the next time I go to see her. She’ll probably have a flak jacket on and refer me to counseling. Feeling better, looking forward to life, more away of what goes on in hospitals.

Perhaps the experience will let me save one of my main characters. Keep your fingers crossed.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Blog Entry 84

Here is another segment from Golden Gate, the first novel of The Tessera Trilogy.Enjoy!

If you like the segments, the novel is available as an eBook from and Barnes & Noble. Those without a Nook, iPad, or Kindle can download FREE apps for their laptops or netbooks and buy, download and enjoy Golden Gate.

Background for this segment - US servicemen serving overseas had to request permission of their service to marry a foreign nations.

Tooley dug up the reg, studied it, and put his eloquence to their ultimate test.  His choice of words made it sound like granting permission for his marriage was the penultimate reflection of apple pie, motherhood, and was necessary to the defense of the western world from the forces of evil.

His jacket was pulled in Saigon, and Captain Sanchez reviewed his personnel records, the after action reports, and the request with its lukewarm endorsements. He walked it in to COMFAVFORV personally. “Admiral, he is someone who’d get my recommendation for accelerated promotion for his tour here. Christ, he served on Liberty and has three Purple Hearts. The man doesn’t walk on water, he glides. I’d be tickled to get him on my staff anytime, anywhere, Admiral.” 

Admiral “Bud” Harlington smiled, and took the package to read it. Hmm, I like this guy. Perhaps I can get him to work for me in the future. The chit was sent back, approved.

You don’t know Jack Schitt – the story you always wanted to hear.
The Schitt Family History is finally revealed.
Many people are at a loss for a response when someone says
"You don't know Jack Schitt!"
Read on and you'll be able to handle the situation intelligently.
Jack is the only son of Awe Schitt and O. Schitt. Awe Schitt, the fertilizer magnate, married O. Schitt, a partner of Kneedeep & Schitt, Inc.
Jack Schitt married Noe Schitt, and the deeply religious couple begat 6 children: Holie Schitt, Fulla Schitt, Giva Schitt, Bull Schitt, and the twins, Deap Schitt and Dip Schitt.
Against her parents' wishes, Deap Schitt married Dumb Schitt, a high school dropout.
After 15 years of marriage, Jack & Noe Schitt divorced. Noe Schitt later married a Mr. Sherlock, and out of devotion to her children, decided to hyphenate her last name, and became Noe Schitt-Sherlock.
Dip Schitt married a woman named Loda Dung, who became Loda Schitt. The couple produced a nervous son, Chicken Schitt.
Fulla Schitt and Giva Schitt, inseparable throughout childhood subsequently married the Happens brothers. The local newspaper announced the Schitt-Happens wedding, which was quite an event. The Schitt-Happens children were Dawg, Byrd, and Hoarse.
Bull Schitt, the prodigal son, left home to tour the world. He returned from his travels with his Italian bride, Piza Schitt.
So, now if someone says "You don't know Jack Schitt", you can beg to differ. You not only know Jack Schitt, but everyone on the Schitt list! 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Blog 83 post

Time for another fascinating update on the writing process, such as it is.

Spring has sprung, the grass has riz, I can see where the flowers is!!

A salamander was spotted in the pond, scurrying across the surface, then slithering up a plant to escape.

I almost stepped on a rabbit in the backyard as I stepped down from the deck. It later sprawled on one of the many patches of clover that serve as our backyard lawn. He (or she) later was laying on its back like some sort of sum bather, gathering rays and warmth.

Our water barrels are just about topped off from recent sprinkles. With warmer weather ahead it will be good to have rainwater to keep the sprouts blooming.

I wish I knew an herbal or natural pest repellant, as slugs have pretty well devoured all the cucumber sprouts I bought and planted. Voles, or moles, seem to have eaten one tomato plant from the roots. But hope exists, the grape vines are sprouting, and buds are appearing on the boysenberries and raspberries.

Ah the distractions …. You can see that I’m making little forward motion on Sooley Base. I have concocted a few new characters, but bringing them to life, and sorting out my piles of notes on dialogue seems a monumental task better reserved for a time of fewer bright shiny objects. Take heart, I do plan to finish and offer Sooley Base as an eBook by the end of the year. Wish me luck!

Blog 82 post

Another tidbit from Golden Gate ... available now at Barnes and Noble or from as an ebook. Enjoy!!!

It was a bold gesture, a desperate command, like insulting an armed robber as he enters your home. Would his men feel his call to the gods of war? Would they panic, seeing it as a desperate last step? Would it appear to be a mental trick to his men … Do they need it? ... Will it work? Luong’s voice echoed across the rice paddy - “Fix bayonets!”

Mo, the PUFF squad member closest to Luong, stared at him incredulously, then blurted - “Are you crazy? Most of us don’t have bayonets. I don’t have a bayonet. What do you expect … Do you want us all to get killed?” 

 And a bit later in the novel ...

Thanh’s men were now taking fire, consciously aimed to kill each of them, from both ahead and from their flank. There was no longer recognizable movement forward, towards escape.

Hung’s radio blared - “Two Three Three Charlie, this Seawolf Six Niner, we’re five minutes out and loaded; how can we help?”

Friday, March 16, 2012

Blog 81 posting

Another tidbit from the first novel of the Tessera Trilogy, Golden Gate

Comrade Thanh knew it; knew they were pinned down, with no easy way to escape. That last salvo of mortar rounds had caused mainly shell shock, disrupted his men, and inflicted few injuries. He sensed disorientation in his men’s movements. Other VC, from further down the island and harassed by the earlier salvos, were moving to his position alongside the rice paddy. This reinforced his position, his chance to break out.

“They’ll be weakest there,” pointing to area ahead and to the riverbank on his right. “Throw grenades to shock them, and we can rush through. We can be clear in an hour. Forward!”

Tooley and Hung looked up – “It’s starting! I hear it, Hung - increased rifle fire and grenades.” Hung knew and whispered, “This can only mean they are breaking out! Damn, our weakest point, and our least experienced Sergeant there.”

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Blog entry 80

Well it’s time for an update.

Is it Spring?  There are signs.  A large blue jay, or perhaps a blue bird, came strutting across the railing of our back porch.

If that wasn’t enough, “Chippy”, our friendly and ultra-cute furry friend came out of his burrow beneath the back deck. He scurried from hole to hole (beneath gaps in the decking), and was being followed by a small sparrow, as though the sparrow couldn’t quite figure out what “Chippy” was.

Another sign of Spring is the renewed activity of all our squirrels. They are running around the yards and trees, and activity indicates they are rebuilding their nests. Daffodils are about to bloom, and grape hyacinths are blooming. Tulip sprouts are also in sight. Another Spring marker is the absence of an ugly raised bed planter; it has been consolidated into the nearby, larger planter.

So … these are a few of the reasons I’ve not been able to get a segment of Sooley Base ready for the writers group review.  Ah the distractions ….

Friday, February 17, 2012

Blog 79 posting

Another bit of Golden Gate ... enjoy!

Sergeant Mackey fired off several M-79 grenade rounds beyond the PUFFs ahead. “This is going to be one memorable clusterfuck; with no monkey.” The rifle fire never stopped. Sometimes the bullets were intermittent visitors, but occasionally became steady. Bullets zipped by, AK-47 rounds from the trees and elephant grass ahead, and the PUFF’s rounds ripping through the leaves, branches and mud where Charlie must be. Nothing ricocheted; the vegetation, rain and the mud sucked up the bullets as if some island god hungered for bullets. 

Available now at Barnes and Noble or as an e-book.

Blog 78 posting

Progress has been made; however slight, it has been encouraging. A draft Glossary now exists for Sooley Base.

The struggle continues to merge the disconnected bits and pieces of thought, storyline, characterization, and action – into a somewhat more coherent, credible tale. As I work through the process nuances emerge, characters become more real, and bits and pieces of random acts of action move hither and yon. Hopefully it will all work out by the end of the year. That is when I hope Sooley Base will hit the streets. The same approach as used in marketing Golden Gate will be used, the prix fixe of I have not as yet had the courage to check on sales, but here is the data describing Golden Gate

Golden Gate, by DP Tolan

Tagline - He woke frantically - Why were Arabia's worst terrorists working at a gold mine, and were America 's nuclear wastes really buried beneath its sands?

Product Details

·                                 ISBN-13: 9781618427670
·                                 Publisher: BookBaby
·                                 Publication date: 12/1/2011
·                                 Sold by: Barnes & Noble
·                                 Format: eBook
·                                 Pages: 190
·                                 Sales rank: 944,278
·                                 File size: 788 KB
·                                 Items ship to U.S, APO/FPO and U.S. Protectorate addresses.

Available now at Barnes and Noble or as an e-book.