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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Blog 83 post

Time for another fascinating update on the writing process, such as it is.

Spring has sprung, the grass has riz, I can see where the flowers is!!

A salamander was spotted in the pond, scurrying across the surface, then slithering up a plant to escape.

I almost stepped on a rabbit in the backyard as I stepped down from the deck. It later sprawled on one of the many patches of clover that serve as our backyard lawn. He (or she) later was laying on its back like some sort of sum bather, gathering rays and warmth.

Our water barrels are just about topped off from recent sprinkles. With warmer weather ahead it will be good to have rainwater to keep the sprouts blooming.

I wish I knew an herbal or natural pest repellant, as slugs have pretty well devoured all the cucumber sprouts I bought and planted. Voles, or moles, seem to have eaten one tomato plant from the roots. But hope exists, the grape vines are sprouting, and buds are appearing on the boysenberries and raspberries.

Ah the distractions …. You can see that I’m making little forward motion on Sooley Base. I have concocted a few new characters, but bringing them to life, and sorting out my piles of notes on dialogue seems a monumental task better reserved for a time of fewer bright shiny objects. Take heart, I do plan to finish and offer Sooley Base as an eBook by the end of the year. Wish me luck!

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