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Tuesday, July 31, 2018


Tessera Trilogy Blog Post 258

BAM 30 July 2018 critique comments

1.       Not enough to maintain reader interest -disagree, but will rework
2.       Rewrite sentence to improve action wording – agree, will rework
3.       Clarify why LC would ask HT about her father (awkward) – agree. Part of LC’s awkward behavior is, as noted earlier, due to effects of PTSD.
4.       Clarify why HT would tell LC of the abuse – agree, will rework
5.       Make her experience of abuse more dramatic – agree, will rework
6.       Concerned at brevity of sticky notes on Murder Board – will improve
7.       Requires a transition between office and Gephardt’s house – agree, working
8.       Concerned at apparent detective concern for inert gold in well – A bit of a red herring, but I gave it away with multiple clues about grit, mortar in well (wall)
9.       Felt reader needed more apparent personal stake in case – we have a murder, abuse, PTSD, golden treasure - and so much more to come. Detective work is procedural, orderly.

BAM member –
2.       Confused by purchase (410K) and sale ($30K) price of coin – it’s a business
3.       Felt suggestion to HT to write a book a bit much (better to just write down memories) - agree, working
4.       Suggested detective call Dispatcher, vice deal 911 – agree
6.       Overall pretty good – thanks
7.       Minor editorial suggestions – working

BAM member –
1.       Getting there, see clues and red herrings – thanks
2.       Confused by who was whom – sporadic review sessions does that, as narrative not presented all at once
3.       Suggested LC sweat when he uses Old Bay on fries - working
4.       Liked remark about burgers being so good you could hug cook – thanks
5.       Felt developing relationship between LC and HT might be inappropriate – disagree
6.       Felt section about sticky notes on Murder Board was confusing – will improve
9.       Numerous minor editorial suggestions – working

NOTE - I made an enormous mistake by including sections out of chronological order. Will correct.


I’ve been spending a lot of time on Twitter of late, trying to add caustic, humorous, or background to the continuing drama in Washington, DC. Interest surged my follower level to fifty-one, so I guess I’m achieving some notoriety. HUZZAH!

Thus far my draft has reached 45K words and a draft page count of 148, of which 64 pages have gone through the BAM/peer review process.


I’ve been distracted of late by small creatures near our porch. Two, possibly three humming birds come to a feeder and daily drink their meals. Occasionally two compete, with one fluttering while the other sits and dips his beak into the feeder holes. It is refreshing to see them. They resemble in my mind energetic lovable puppies you can’t touch. Therapy really.

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