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Tuesday, June 19, 2018


Tessera Trilogy Blog Post 255

BAM 18 June 2018 critique comments

1.       Clarify POV in first paragraph – agree, working
2.       Describe, show more of Agent Burgess – agree, working
4.       Explain how DEA Agent obtained intel on geotags – agree, working
5.       Provide more information on facial recognition searches – agree, working
6.       Provided alternative sentence wording – thanks
7.       Show how Brad is bland – agree, working
8.       Show that Kathy is really Alexa Collins, reporter – agree, working

BAM member –
3.       Numerous minor editorial suggestions – working

BAM member –
1.       Good, I liked - thanks
2.       First section seems artificial – working
3.       Remove “He thought to himself.” – agree, working
4.       Challenged use of ellipses - disagree
5.       Show more disagreement between Burgess and editor – agree, working
6.       Clarify Chancellor High as a high school – agree, working
7.       Describe the scent of Kathy’s fragrance – agree, working
8.       Show that Kathy is really Alexa Collins, reporter – agree, working
9.       Correct POV shift on page 4 – agree, working
10.   Minor editorial suggestion – agree


A former BAM member rejoined after a long absence. He gave his two copies of a book about the war in Vietnam to myself and another member. Looking forward to reading it. I intend to send him a copy of my first novel, Golden Gate.

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