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Friday, November 11, 2016


Tessera Trilogy Blog Post 204
Great News!!! Kashan Kashmeeri, the final novel of the Tessera Trilogy, is available for readers.
Kashan Kashmeeri unfolds in a region of ancient wounds, struggles within and between families, amidst the spices, scents, and intrigue of Arabia.  For readers of military- geopolitical struggles in a turbulent world, the novel thrills with the tension that is the Middle East today. 
For readers of military- geopolitical struggles in a turbulent world, the novel is filled with excitement, tension, lovers embracing, missiles and bullets, and tanks. Against the backdrop only someone who lived there can depict with such insight, it will immerse you in the tension that is the Middle East today.
Iran and Iraq seem poised for another war, and military and political changes force the region, and the world, to the brink. It is a story that had to be told, and to the last moment you’ll be on the edge of your reading space, wondering if the Middle East, and the world, will descend into war, or rise to peace.
List Price: $15.00
5.5" x 8.5" (13.97 x 21.59 cm)
Black & White on White paper
262 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1539418382 (CreateSpace-Assigned)
ISBN-10: 1539418383
BISAC: Fiction / Action & Adventure
The author is hard at work on a sequel to the trilogy. Follow the authors process and progress at
The novel is available now through, and through and Amazon Europe in about five business days. Print On Demand or eBook versions are available.

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