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Thursday, October 20, 2016


Tessera Trilogy Blog Post 202

Ideas from recent RWG monthly meeting/Parade of Prose –

Develop a marketing plan. Status below:
Create a marketing logo – to do
Changed Yahoo mail signature to reflect updated POD status.
Investigate use of WORDPRESS blog
Revised FB photo – complete.
Pursue CRRL Local Author event.
Participate in regional Local author events
Pursue signings at wineries, microbreweries.
Establish a more marketing oriented BLOG
CreateSpace is an online site which offers an interactive method to self publish. Proof copies, with review and update/change ability are fesatured. Sizes, cover help is available at minimal cost, and proofing utilizes link to pursue parallel sale of books through eKindle. Royalties seem appropriate. Authors can purchase copies through CREATESPACE at cost.
I purchased a Proof copy of the novel and selected express delivery. After I detected some weakness in the finished product I took the proof to the Monday night critique session. I asked several of those present to make suggestions about the cover of the Kashan Kashmeeri proof copy. They suggested better definition (higher DPI count), and resizing the finished book’s spline. Additional suggestions include transposing and resizing author and Title, and retaking the cover photo.

I have a working list of minor editorial changes to make, in addition to a redo of the Kashan Kashmeeri cover.

The Next One - the sequel to The Tessera Trilogy, has gone through additional Books-A-Million (BAM) critique sessions. Results are encouraging that the novel has potential.

BAM 17 Oct 2016 critique comments
BAM member –
1.      Minor editorial suggestions – agree, working
2.      Suggested changing Gawd to God - disagree
3.      Felt song Hey Macarena was dated – disagree, came out in 1995, after the women born
4.      Asked if George’s thoughts were out loud – agree, a POV conflict, working to correct
5.      Questioned frequent use of “Chica” – part of the character and speech of the women
6.      Overall pretty good – thanks
7.      Suggested shortening dialogue – agree, working to improve

BAM member –
1.      Great addition and excellent imagery - thanks
2.      Minor editorial suggestions – agree, working
3.      Questioned what Bai was saying in response to “That’s soooo lamooo” to – disagree, his statements noted in text just above
4.      Felt Bai’s emotions were “all over the place” – agree, she experienced relief at his positive reaction to revelation of her study, then he got all brainiac – working
5.      Great dialogue - thanks

BAM member –
1.      Minor editorial suggestions – agree, working
2.      Condense George’s thoughts about reacting to “unfamiliar situation” fits – agree, working to improve
3.      Suggested rewrite of section with George’s discussion of brain waves – agree, working to improve
4.      Questioned if George was a psychiatrist; reduce psychological analysis - agree, working to improve. His IQ of 197 and quirky character still apply
5.      Suggested attribution for apparent quote about trees and village – disagree, my words, working to improve

BAM member –
1.      Oh shit mentioned too often – disagree, part of the women’s character
2.      Felt there was too much dialogue - disagree
3.      Add more conflict – agree, working – agree, working
4.      Minor editorial suggestions – agree, working
5.      Didn’t like George instructing on brain waves – disagree, part of his quirky character, but will condense
6.      Felt there was too much use of “Oh shit!” - disagree

BAM member –
1.      Questioned use of many different POVs – agree, working to improve where appropriate
2.      Minor editorial suggestions – assessing
3.      Questioned if Mierda was Spanish for Oh Shit – it is
4.      Backhanded compliment about the imagery of George’s twisting his ankles – thanks
5.      Suggested change to adverb “comfortably” to fit sense of paragraph – agree
6.      Questioned the women’s comments in front of George – disagree, use of “whispered” and “added quietly” imply private
7.      Asked how George knew the study was about a person – agree, working to improve

BAM member –
1.       George comes across as mysterious – thanks
2.      George obviously listening to and learning about the women – thanks
3.      Not sure where story is headed - working
4.       Like the story - thanks

BAM member –
1.       Good continuation - thanks

2.       No written comments

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