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Monday, February 15, 2016


Tessera Trilogy Blog Post 182

Process – Progress as determined by page count, word count and percent stands as follows: total page count went up to 217; total word count went up to to 101 K, and percent remained at 75.0 percent.

RWG meeting guest speaker was Mary Coffman-Burke, published author and editor, photographer, and web designer, who has a great sense of humor.  Her best work is … Wait! I’m not trained for this. Confessions of a stay at home mom.

Finished a re-read of Tom Clancy’s Red Storm Rising.

RWG 13 February 2016 critique comments
RWG member
1.      Minor editorial changes – disagree
2.      Fine story, good use of humor - thanks
3.      Use Cabinet members’ names, not acronyms (PM, DM) for positions – agree
4.      Good flow – thanks
5.      Doesn’t like use of alphabet soup nomenclatures – genre requires
6.      Had no trouble following - thanks

RWG member
1.      Minor editorial changes – disagree
2.      Great attention getter, great dialogue – thanks
3.      Felt like I was in scene with characters – thanks
4.      Felt the tension, and humor – thanks
5.      Liked opening, details of story – thanks
6.      Unclear how the ‘yet’ statement fit – was a reference, tension getter, to previous statement of Saudi assurance period

RWG member
1.      Very interesting, great dialogue  – agree
2.      Suggested show source of info to President, NSC members – agree, working
3.      Minor editorial changes – agree
4.      Have NSC members stand when President enters – agree, working
5.      Suggested show how knowledge of no ballistic missile launch was provided – agree, working   
6.      Suggested showing eyes moving to look at President as he entered WHSR – agree, working

RWG member
1.      Minor editorial changes – disagree and agree

2.      Very good, great dialogue - thanks

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