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Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Blog Post 155

Tessera Trilogy Blog Post 155

BAM 20 July 2015 critique comments

BAM member  –
1.       Minor editorial changes – agree
2.        Good flow – thanks
3.       Suggested change of dialogue to inner dialogue – disagree
4.       Questioned meaning of A roll video – TV journalist/photographer term
5.       Clarify “Iranian front” – agree, working

BAM member  –
1.       Good dialogue – thanks
2.       Minor editorial changes – agree, working
3.       Suggested identifying speakers in dialogue – agree, working

BAM member  -
1.       Narrative is too lengthy, shorten - working
2.       Questioned whether a boy would ask this – my character does
3.       Minor editorial changes – agree, working
4.       Questioned meaning of A roll video – TV journalist/photographer term

BAM member  –
1.       Liked dialogue between Tooley and son – thanks
2.       Minor editorial changes – agree, working
3.       Suggested delete second “din” of “din din” – disagree
4.       Thought final portion – phone conversation from Iran on war preps was about air combat - no

BAM member  –
1.       Dialogue between Tooley and son was great - thanks
2.       Suggested add body gestures and expressions to dialogue – agree, working
3.       Minor editorial changes – agree, working
4.       Last portion too technical, suggested deletion – disagree, style and genre, background
5.       Questioned meaning of A roll video – TV journalist/photographer term

BAM member  –
1.       Questioned where initial dialogue took place – same as previous, Arabia
2.       Minor editorial changes – agree, working
3.       Each chapter a surprise, an interesting story – thanks

4.       Questioned meaning of A roll video – TV journalist/photographer term

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