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Friday, April 24, 2015

Blog Post 145

Tessera Trilogy Blog Post 145

Authors – No new entries.

Local Authors – RWG member Suzi Weinert’s newest “Garage Sale Mystery” novel made into TV movie will appear on the Hallmark Channel in September.

Process – Progress, in terms of critiqued segments, stands at 25 percent.

BAM 20 April 2015 critique comments
BAM member –
1.       Liked look at kids point of view, fresh  – agree, working
2.       Liked reference of nickname to greeting  – thanks
3.       Reduce, remove clichés – agree, working
4.       A lot of promise – agree
5.       Liked use of kids rebellion – thanks
6.       Liked depiction of family caught between two worlds – agree
7.       Minor editorial changes – agree
8.       Identify age of kids - agree

BAM member –
1.       Hard to follow, too many characters interacting – agree, working
2.        Confusing shift of perspective – agree, reworking
3.       Minor editorial changes – agree
4.       Boys dialogue better – thanks
5.       Identify ages of kids – agree, working
6.       Has potential when character actions are more focused - working

BAM member –
1.       Too much teenage angst – agree, working
2.       Behavior of teens is chaotic – agree, working
3.       Minor editorial changes – agree, working
4.       Too much information given – agree, working
5.       Include an ending that ties to story – agree, working

BAM member –
1.       Confusing – agree, working
2.       Identify speakers - agree
3.       Identify ages of kids – agree, working
4.       Minor editorial changes – agree
5.       Liked Bai not wanting her brother to run away – thanks
6.       Is all the teen banter, name calling necessary – working
7.       Didn’t understand reference to Gonzos – agree, Muppets iconic character

BAM member –
1.       Couldn’t follow characters – agree, working
2.       Dialogue between kids good - working

BAM member –
1.       Reads well until page 2, but too technical - agree, working
2.       Minor editorial changes – agree
3.       Enjoyed kids dialogue – thanks
4.       Identify speakers – agree
5.       Clarify how this segment fits into overall story – agree
6.       Too rambling – agree, working
7.       Liked description of Mick and Mamo as M&Ms – thanks
8.       Show what is the conflict or tension here – working

BAM member –
1.       Interesting insight into Western vs Muslim cultural clashes – agree
2.       Identify ages of the kids – agree, working
3.       Enjoyed kids dialogue – thanks
4.       Didn’t think reprimand of Mick was appropriate in Moslem family – disagree, term is Muslim, not Moslem and Mick and Mamo are very distant cousins, not brothers

BAM member –
1.       Lots crammed in – agree, working
2.       Too much kid dialogue  – agree, working
3.       Minor editorial changes - agree
4.       Remove clichés – agree
5.       Didn’t understand “sorting hat” reference – disagree, Harry Potter and Hogwarts
6.       Liked reference to scanning of zebra stripes as UPC codes – thanks

7.       Clear up point of view conflicts - agree

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