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Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Blog Post 143

Tessera Trilogy Blog Post 143
Authors – No new entries.

Local Authors – I recently did some research on fellow Riverside Writers Group (RWG) members, and discovered quite a few have eBooks on the market. So I generated a Word document listing them all, along with their eBooks and the applicable ISBNs. I’ve recommended each to CRRL at their website’s Recommend a Title tab.

Process – Critiques are a necessary and extremely helpful part of the writing process.

Distractions – Those bright shiny distractions are out and about. They now include cleaning out the backyard pond and getting ready for Spring. Found a huge, dead and decomposing frog in the water, but the goldfish survived through another winter. It is now roughly eight inches long and I think it’s transforming into a koi, with a prominent white spot on its side.

Another big distraction has been building five birdhouses from scratch and mounting them.

Another distraction has been clipping apart and planting 950 zoysia sod plugs.

BAM 30 March 2015 critique comments
BAM Member  –
1.       Find a way to shrink to two pages - disagree, working to improve
2.       Too much detail – agree, working
3.       Minor editorial changes – agree
4.       Liked use of humor in dialogue - agree

BAM Member  –
1.       Better, but still to technical  – agree, working
2.        Got a better idea of characters – agree
3.       Stress uncertainty, tension – agree, working
4.       Much improved - agree
5.       Minor editorial changes – agree
6.       Compress dialogue – agree, working

BAM Member  –
1.       Smoother, easier to follow, but narrow market – agree, working
2.       Very detailed, many acronyms  – agree, reworking
3.       Enjoyed this time - agree, working
4.       Some dialogue very good - thanks

BAM Member  –
1.       Better reader appeal  – agree, reworking
2.       Shorten, use hints rather than detail - agree, working
3.       Use look backs - agree, working
4.       Minor editorial changes - agree
5.       Explain “Insha ’Allah” – agree
6.       Uncertain what TR meant – Trouble Report noted above – disagree
7.       Suggested removing tag about General’s face – disagree, foreshadowing

BAM Member  –
1.       Much better dialogue– working
2.       Minor editorial changes – disagree
3.       Didn’t understand “national controls” – agree, reworking
4.       Disliked use of “software weenies” – disagree

BAM Member  –
1.       No written comments – new BAM member

2.       Liked short, dramatic dialogue – thanks

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