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Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Blog Post 144

Tessera Trilogy Blog Post 144
Authors – No new entries.

Local Authors – A fellow member of the RWG, Suzi Weinert, is having her third “Garage Sale” series of novels made into another Hallmark Movies and Mysteries channel TV movie.  It will appear on 11 April.

Process – The most recent Books A Million critique was extremely gratifying. I had taken just rough notes on a segment, which needed to be background in Kashan Kashmeeri, and winged it. I wrote it mostly from scribbled notes, then revised and tweaked it for a critique session. Because it was much more of an action segment it came across much better at the review.

Distractions – I discovered that my estimate of zoysia grass plugs needed to redo our back yard was seriously underestimated.  I will need to quintuple my previous order, and spend lots of time making holes in the back yard.

BAM 06 April 2015 critique comments
BAM member  –
1.       Very good, so much better than previous - thanks
2.       Liked use of Holmes and Watson character interplay  – agree
3.       One of your best  – agree
4.       Liked use of humor in dialogue – agree
5.       Good setting of scene –
6.       Kept our interest - agree

BAM member  –
1.       Really good - thanks
2.        Coherent, good flow - thanks
3.       Still too much detail - disagree, genre
4.       Suggest add description of missile damage to plane – agree, working
5.       Minor editorial changes – agree
6.       Well told – agree, working

BAM member  -
1.       Best segment - thanks
2.       Much better dialogue and narrative – agree, reworking
3.       Minor editorial changes – working

BAM member  -
1.       Well told - thanks
2.       Why didn’t the General know the story – disagree; personal observations, rather than mission
3.       Lots of suspense, peril - thanks
4.       Minor editorial changes - agree

BAM member  –
1.       Missed most of reading
2.       No written comments

BAM member  –
1.       Best yet – thanks 
2.       Remove duplication mention of motors running – agree
3.       Minor editorial changes – agree and disagree
4.       Suggested change to terminology for “deuce and a half” - disagree

BAM member  –
1.       Reads more clearly, best of recent - thanks

2.       Liked short, dramatic dialogue – thanks

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