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Thursday, June 26, 2014

Blog Post 126

Tessera Trilogy Blog post 126

 Several weeks ago, as a volunteer at the local Central Rappahannock Regional Library (CRRL) I offered to provide free eBook copies of the first two novels, Golden Gate and Sooley Base, of my Tessera Trilogy. The library did not accept my offer, because their eBooks are provided by

I made a point of investigating CRRL support for local writers groups and local authors. While the library has a book listing local authors that source is over two decades old. I discovered that of the total book holdings of the library less than .005 percent are by local authors and of that number over 34 percent are reference sources used in the very room (Local History and Genealogy) I volunteered in. 

The writers group of which I am a member, alas, could not be included in the calendar of the library branch where we’ve been meeting for years. While CRRL Events Calendars do cover quilting, Teen art, local art galleries, potters, blogs and art history, only one branch does much of anything with local writers group. There is no written policy, or conscious action by CRRL management to identify writers groups in the area, nor local authors, and authors writing eBooks seem frozen out. Weighing all this evidence I resigned my volunteer position because CRRL does not support either writers groups or local authors.

I have since been on a campaign to identify and pursue avenues by which I can offer my eBooks to the Third Party Vendors who supply CRRL. These are the Library of Virginia, FReading, Overdrive, and EBSCO. I am currently pursuing a deal with each of these vendors to offer my first two novels, free of charge, to Virginia Public libraries. Additionally I am pursuing through Enki, a California Public Library organization the same offer – my first two books free of charge to California Public Libraries.

It may strike you, as it has me,strange that I am unable to GIVE my novels free of charge to public libraries. I await the results of my offers, in the hope that books … rather than quilting, Teen art, local art paintings, pottery will rise to the level of acceptance by institutions serving the public.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Blog Post 125

Tessera Trilogy Blog post 125
 Another segment of Kashan Kashmeeri was reviewed/critiqued at a Monday Books-A-million meeting.

Reviewer comments:
BAM members provided written critiques of the segment as follows:
BAM member
1.       Better than last week’s reading - agree
  1. Minor editorial changes – agree
  2. Questioned whether both characters were American, or one Vietnamese  – disagree
  3. Disliked use of “I’d have to bury you in desert as clichéd – disagree
5.       Liked use of Baskins-Robbins  – agree
  1. Liked use of facial expressions – agree
  2. Reword “displaying his lack …” – agree
  3. Liked bit about Blarney Stone – agree
  4. Change “And I don’t have …” breaks mood – agree
  5. Liked waiting for pie and ice cream – agree
  6. Good back and forth - agree

BAM member
1.       No written input - agree
2.       Good dialogue, natural - agree

BAM member
1.       Minor editorial changes – agree
2.       Questioned relationship of “Why did you come here” to response – will consider
3.       Identify speakers as male, female or by name – disagree, prior text shows
4.       Questioned why she thinks his job is dangerous - disagree, prior text shows (got shot)
5.       Suggested differing paragraphs – will consider
6.       Questioned humorous reference to James Bond  – disagree
7.       Liked playfulness and story - agree

BAM member
1.       Lots of personality - agree
2.       Minor editorial changes – agree
  1. Reword “displaying his lack …” – agree
  2. Would delete “She saw it.” – disagree
  3. Would delete “or lose her lunch” – agree
  4. Considers “No. that was …” an odd response – disagree
  5. Consider turning “And I don’t have ..” into humor – will try
  6. Good, interplay and dialogue

BAM member
       1.  Fast moving, playful exchanges - agree
       2.  No written comments

BAM member
1.       Very interesting and playful exchange  – agree
2.       Easy reading, fast moving action – agree
3.       Liked use of Baskins-Robbins  – agree
4.       Minor editorial changes – agree
5.       Said “She is the ONE!” – agree
6.       Good couple, evenly matched with wit – agree
7.       Liked reference to Clancy book and martial art gesture - agree

BAM member
       1.  Change “in a foreign land” – awkward - agree
       2.  Simplify “a job offer with great pay” – will consider
       3.  Loved the characters, very good – agree
       4.  Clarify “He’s my friend …” – will consider
       5.  Liked story of parking tickets for camels – agree
       6.  Reword “returning the talk to the Camel Race” – agree
       7.  Minor editorial changes – agree
       8.  Add accent mark to rose wine – agree
       9.  Identify Amir’s tribe – agree
     10.  Change forty four to read 44 – disagree
     11.  Liked use of Baskins-Robbins  – agree
     12.  Liked international flavor – agree

     13.  Bedu cushions set you in place - agree

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Tessera Trilogy Blog post 124

Below are three draft Taglines summarizing Kashan Kashmeeri. Your preferences and suggestions are invited.

Tagline 01
Fate, and the spirits of war bring the cousins together – Stefano the journalist for CNN with ‘Breaking News’, Amir the retired Saudi General recalled to duty, and Padrick Marcus Michael O’Toole ‘Tooley’ the Langley agent now Station Chief in Riyadh.

The Middle East is in turmoil, on the edge of what could be WWIII, Iraqis and Iranians suddenly reaming at breakneck speed and moving their artillery, tanks, planes and armies … but to where? Is there a colossal bloodbath in the future? The cousins, now joined by a surprising addition, discover that the war is … or may not be … all it seems. It could be incredibly worse!

Can they make sense of the actions unfolding in militaries of the regions, or are some of the cousins concealing hidden agenda? Will the militaries descend into the ultimate clash of tank on tank, helo on helo, fighter on fighter, infantry on infantry – or worse! Will it be War or Peace?

Tagline 02
The cousins return as Middle East militaries arm and spar in what promises to be the final conflict. Stefano, as the CNN journalist breaking news to the world, confronts conflicts between what he sees and understands of wars past.

Amir is recalled to active duty, promoted and positioned to control forces of great power, and Tooley, fresh from CIA assignments across the globe and stateside, is plopped down as the Riyadh Chief of Station.
Military forces arm, train, move to front lines … poised to start WWIII, until Stefano discovers secret plans which could be far worse.

The ultimate struggle of mankind moves closer, as the so-called ‘Coalition for Peace’ musters its forces to confront … or conduct … war. The demands of the Peace Coalition are clear – but do they mean Peace … or war? Negotiations are sought, conducted and imagined. These contrast with maneuvers and battles to gain supremacy in the air and on the ground.

The cousins seek to contain the momentum building to war, and help Peace prevail, and the anxious world is asked to Light one Candle.

Tagline 03
The newest member of the 8oth cousins, Anh Nguyen, becomes a part of the groups’ individual and collective efforts to discover what will happen in the Middle East. Will WWIII start, or worse?

Sensing the subtleties of what is happening, filtering out the BS and efforts at Cover and Deception, she must huddle beneath the desert sands as hundreds of thousands of well armed men practice their deadly art and edge the world closer to the ultimate conflict.

Breaking News! Stefano, another 8oth cousin is discovering the truth about what is really happening with the Coalition for Peace. In the birthplace of perennial warfare will the Coalition move to effect Peace, or will it start the final conflict?

The ‘other side’ is possessed of a nuclear strike capability. Will that option be used to level the playing field against great odds? The people of the world see Breaking News broadcasts which increasingly threaten their world.

Text messages document the closeness of the potential movement to the brink. The ultimate confrontation begins and action in the streets may be the only way to convince the powerful to move towards Peace.  

Blog Post 123

Tessera Trilogy Blog post 123

Sales of Sooley Base have picked up!!! Yea!!!

 A segment of Kashan Kashmeeri was reviewed/critiqued at a Monday Books-A-million meeting.

Reviewer comments:
After revising the segment it was taken to the BAM meeting. The segment was read and critiqued at the end of the meeting.
BAM members provided written critiques of the segment as follows:

BAM member
1.       Well written, good dialogue – agree
2.       Explain how Wednesday relates to Muslim Friday – agree; in process
  1. Incorporate reference to when character served on ships – agree; in process
4.       Minor editorial changes – agree
5.       Suggested word changes – agree
6.       Show me around …” not believable, incorporate more to and fro – agree; in process

BAM member
1.       Unconvincing use of female dialogue (not what they’d say)  
2.       Explain how Wednesday relates to Muslim Friday – agree; in process
3.       Minor editorial changes – agree

BAM member
1.       Was uncertain of gender of character – disagree; clear from previous segments and text
2.       Uncertain of use of POV – agree; in process
3.       Unclear of setting - disagree; clear from previous  text
4.       Characters posing questions was distracting – agree; in process
5.       Change question to statement punctuation wise – agree; in process
6.       Change sequence of sentences – agree; in process

BAM member
1.        No written comments

2.       Not hard to follow, interesting