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Saturday, April 5, 2014

Blog Post 118

Currently the very rough draft stands at 110 pages and 55K words. Based on prior experience it looks like the completed product is four months ahead of fall 2015 completion.

Critique of fourth segment of Kashan Kashmeeri
Rewrite incomplete opening sentence – agree; in process
Minor editorial suggestions – agree; in process
Change style of language used, make less direct – agree; in process
Revise to eliminate such early talk of marriage – agree; in process
Revise to have dialogue bring out feelings, vice questions – agree; in process
Have support character express her feelings and thoughts – agree; in process
Reduce use of lame language; feminize it  – agree; in process
Incorporate missing transition – agree; in process
Don’t ask multiple questions at once – disagree; in process
Revise wording of humorous expression – agree; in process
Develop and insert response to statement – agree; in process
Identify speaker –disagree; evident from flow of dialogue
Rewrite attempt at being clever – agree; in process
Minor word changes – agree; in process
Rewrite section dealing with results of kissing the Blarney Stone – agree; in process
Reword phrase ‘spinning a yarn’ – agree; in process

Snakes, probably the Eastern Garter family seen in a Facebook post last fall, are BACK!!! They’re harmless, so they stay. And the sole goldfish that was in the pond last fall … is still there, alive and well. It survived through a cold winter. It is amazing and mystifying.

Lots and lots of yard work distracts - Working to beautify the grounds, raking, composting, mowing in leaves. Trimming and picking up fallen branches. Mulching the yard with Boy Scout sold mulch, and in less prominent areas, compost mulch from our recycle center.

Am still doing family research via library version of 

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