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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Blog Post 115

Tessera Trilogy blog post 115

A new avenue opened up in the process of critiquing segments of the third novel of the Tessera Trilogy. An online forum was identified which may be helpful, when I get to the point of having segments ready for outside review. Once a week the following online forum offers critiques of segments. 

I decided to give the forum a try, and assess what I think of any critiques submitted. I’ll try a segment from Sooley Base, see how it goes and report back.

Kashan Kashmeeri currently stands at 105 (was 96) pages and 52 (was 48.5) K words. Lots of work ongoing with research, putting together dialogue and identifying lesser (throwaway) characters. One segment of the novel has been extracted and reviewed by a loyal fan. That editor’s cuts and suggestions are summarized below.

Paragraph written blandly – agree, in process
Minimize characters asking questions – in process
Vary noun/pronoun use – agree, in process
Reduce use of descriptive phrases – agree, in process
Suggested word changes – agree, in process
Reduce character dialogue - disagree
Suggested verb changes – in process
Minor editorial changes – agree, in process
Very well written page - agree
Questioned ‘quickness’ of the romance – disagree

The same segment will be read and critiqued at this weekend’s monthly RWG meeting. It will be interesting to compare the sets of critiques. 

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