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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Blog Post 117

Reviews of third segment of Kashan Kashmeeri

Suggestions/comments follow:

Explain “All from a drop of blood” – agree; in process
Soften the forced dialogue – agree; in process
Identify for whom the kiss held promise – agree; in process
Various word choice and grammatical suggestions – agree; in process
Use female formulas to write about women – agree; in process
Don’t list character traits – agree; in process
Reduce formality of narrative, use dialogue – agree; in process
Reduce usage of dominantly male phrases – agree; in process
Reduce drama and emotion of dialogue – disagree
Describe what happened at the Camel Race, reaction of crowd to the King – agree; in process
Reduce abrupt changes of characters – agree; in process
Suggested changes to what the King would say – in process
Describe how the King moved and talked – agree; in process
Convert narrative to dialogue – agree; in process
Have characters speak more informally – agree; in process

Second reviewer’s comments:

Change dialogue to female POV, perhaps Valley Girl, vernacular – agree; in process

Read a Nicholas Spark’s novel for appreciation of female POV – agree; in process

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Blog Post 116

A new avenue opened up in the process of critiquing segments of the third novel of the Tessera Trilogy. An online forum was identified which may be helpful, when I get to the point of having segments ready for outside review. Once a week the following online forum offers critiques of segments. 

I decided to give the forum a try, and assess what I think of any critiques submitted. I’ll try a segment from Sooley Base, see how it goes and report back.

Kashan Kashmeeri currently stands at 110 (was 96) pages and 54 (was 48.5) K words. Lots of work ongoing with research, putting together dialogue and identifying lesser (throwaway) characters. The most challenging effort is to visualize and develop believable military and diplomatic scenarios of the struggle between War and Peace – the central theme of Kashan Kashmeeri.

Rough draft segments of the very start of Kashan Kashmeeri were reviewed/critiqued this week. Offspring did the honors initially, and then those versions were reviewed/critiqued at the March RWG meeting. In one fell swoop basically four reviews were achieved.

Offspring’s suggestions/comments follow for first segment:

Reduce characters posing questions – agree; in process
Limit sentences starting with he, she – agree; in process
Limit language of theater – agree; in process
Improve transitions – agree; in process
Various typos and grammatical suggestions – agree; in process
Reduce repetition of verbs, adjectives  – agree; in process
Tighten up drama of wording – agree; in process
Use body language to convey emotion – agree; in process
Reduce dialogue – disagree
Reduce internal dialogues – disagree
Describe events as they happen – agree; in process
Last page (3 of 3) very well written– agree; in process
Dislike ‘quickness’ of romance – disagree

Offspring’s suggestions/comments follow for second segment:

Reduce impression of an interrogation – agree; in process
Incorporate transitions – agree; in process
‘Cheesy’ narrative – disagree
Improve natural conversational flow – agree; in process
Describe emotions through face and body – agree; in process
Improve dialogue (too formal) – agree; in process
Suggestions for dialogue – agree; in process

RWG member review comments:
After revising the segments were taken to March RWG meeting. The first segment was read at the RWG meeting, with the second was read and critiqued at the end of the meeting.

Three RWG members provided written critiques of the first segment, as follows:

The first segment reading drew enthusiastic applause and smiles. The response, especially at the RWG meeting, was very encouraging. A RWG male member offered that he enjoyed the dialogue and stated he thought dialogue was hard to write. A female member stated that she enjoyed the dialogue and the story’s characters. I’ve noted comments as originating from males or females because there are very different perspectives apparent.

First reviewer - RWG male member  
  1. Very interesting story

Second reviewer – RWG female member  
  1. Question about punctuation - disagree
  2. Some part of sentence missing – agree; in process
  3. Minor editorial, punctuation suggestions  – in process

Third reviewer - RWG female member  
  1. Excellent story line – agree
  2. Nice development of the characters and their relationship  – agree
  3. Minor editorial, punctuation suggestions  – agree; in process
  4. Explain ‘aunt’ agree; in process
  5. Incorporate time break (transition) agree; in process
  6. Various wording suggestions agree; in process
  7. Incorporate transition for pool party agree; in process
  8. Explain relationship of Tuyetagree in part, covered in prior novels. in process

A summary of critiques, reactions, and suggestions to the second segment appear below.

First reviewer - RWG male member  
1.      Smooth flowing, interesting story
  1. Hooks reader with before and after glimpses
  2. Dialogue biased toward a male POV agree; in process
  3. Vary dialogue agree; in process
  4. Setting seems condensed disagree; in process
  5. Concerned with apparent age disparity of characters disagree

Second reviewer – RWG female member  
1.    Nice visuals to setting  
2.      Suggests use of accents in character speech disagree
3.      Smooth, nice flow

Third reviewer - RWG female member  
1.    Suggestions as to description of female character agree; in process
2.      Suggestions as to dialogue agree; in process
3.      Describe how parents held family togetherdisagree; superfluous
4.      Minor editorial suggestion agree; in process

Fourth reviewer – RWG male member  
  1. Good dialogue, believable conversation
  2. Good way to introduce family background
  3. Suggested use of poor English to affect Vietnamese background agree; in process
  4. Questioned use of ‘cockily’ agree; in process
  5. Suggested showing how characters came together agree; in prior novels
6.      Minor editorial suggestion agree; in process
7.      Fun

Fifth reviewer – RWG female member  
  1. Add pronunciation key to characters names disagree; some will follow
  2. Said flow interrupted by foreign names disagree

Sixth reviewer – RWG female member  
1.      Suggest identifying characters and setting  – disagree; was in first segment
2.      Said another ‘whole story’ was in origins of family – agree, but not important to story
3.      Suggested highlighting done column – agree; in process
4.      Suggested identifying Tuyet – disagree; was in first novel and later here
5.      Suggested research of use of dialect – disagree; text states she made point of learning it

Verbal  critique feedback of second segment

RWG female member  – incorporate Glossary disagree; will blend into wording
            Prefers poetry – Sorry
            Wants to read the book

RWG male member  – Good dialogue, requires great skill
            Clarify setting at start disagree; was in first segment

RWG female member  - wonderful characters and family dynamics
            Want to read the book
            Suggested character verbal response to male compliment
(suggested a woman would recoil) agree; in process
            Have female not reply to compliment – disagree; strong female character,
                        Note her Black Belt and kicking ex-boyfriends ass

RWG female member  – Identify characters disagree; was in first segment
            Suggested use of poor English to reflect Vietnamese character disagree;
text states she made point of learning it

RWG male member  – Good dialogue, believable
            Good family introduction
            Incorporate verbal flavor of female character Vietnamese  disagree;
text states she made point of learning it
            Explain how they knew Tuyet disagree; was in first novel and later here

RWG female member  – Good visual by pool
            Good flow

I‘m very satisfied and encouraged with the response, and was gratified with generally positive comments on excitement level, flow, level of detail, and use of dialogue. I have to admit I chose a segment that was semi-finished for review.  More work is ahead, and constructive criticism helps!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Blog Post 115

Tessera Trilogy blog post 115

A new avenue opened up in the process of critiquing segments of the third novel of the Tessera Trilogy. An online forum was identified which may be helpful, when I get to the point of having segments ready for outside review. Once a week the following online forum offers critiques of segments. 

I decided to give the forum a try, and assess what I think of any critiques submitted. I’ll try a segment from Sooley Base, see how it goes and report back.

Kashan Kashmeeri currently stands at 105 (was 96) pages and 52 (was 48.5) K words. Lots of work ongoing with research, putting together dialogue and identifying lesser (throwaway) characters. One segment of the novel has been extracted and reviewed by a loyal fan. That editor’s cuts and suggestions are summarized below.

Paragraph written blandly – agree, in process
Minimize characters asking questions – in process
Vary noun/pronoun use – agree, in process
Reduce use of descriptive phrases – agree, in process
Suggested word changes – agree, in process
Reduce character dialogue - disagree
Suggested verb changes – in process
Minor editorial changes – agree, in process
Very well written page - agree
Questioned ‘quickness’ of the romance – disagree

The same segment will be read and critiqued at this weekend’s monthly RWG meeting. It will be interesting to compare the sets of critiques.