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Friday, February 11, 2011

Posted on Facebook –

Just burned CDs documenting my kids' ancestors from New Mexico. That project was a bright shiny object which deflected my walk across the icy sheen of the pond where novels spring forth.

Saw an ad on Facebook, for a Free (downloadable) audio book by Tom Clancy, “Patriot Games.”  I might take up their offer at . Now a TV offer confirms the offer is for two free books, with a hitch – one must sign up for the service, and to get the free parts … cancel one’s subscription within a month. Hmm, interesting offer.

One of the spin-offs from the VA Writers Club meeting was mention of Publishers’ Weekly by Steve Watkins, author of “Down Sand Mountain.” He recommended it as a resource in identifying publishers’ guidelines and for current information on treends within different genres. I took a look and bookmarked it - for review and analysis; Perhaps it will give me some insights into marketing The Tessera Trilogy ©.

The Publishers’ Weekly site is, indeed, awesome, providing glimpses of wazzup across the spectrum of writers, publishers, and editors.

The SCBWI website however, suggests one can access their Yahoo Groups site without being an SCBWI member. Not true! I tried and their webmistress said no deal … well, not quite in those words. I’ll not join, as I’m into adult fiction not Young Adult novels.

I embarked on a major restructuring of Sooley Base ©, using a second document to make a better timeline of the novels’ action, then cutting and pasting my other notes (which had been helter skelter plugged into my first chapter segments) into the new timeline. I’ll have to resort and flush these out, redo my chapter outline … then redo all my chapters. At least I’ll be further along and the text will be in more logical order. Then I’ll really have to work on the characters, the action … and the suspense.

So far so good, as the saying goes.

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