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Sunday, September 16, 2018


1.       Show how Mrs. Weatherly was warned – agree, working
2.       Questioned how Weatherly could be aware of newspaper article – she reads
3.       Felt dialog about talking with HS principal was weird – working
4.       Show Weatherly’s reaction to the statement about deaths at meth lab – agree, working
5.       Clarify why Collins said the address of PR head – to show she’d researched the woman, to intimidate her
6.       Questioned whether reporter would “illegally” enter school or blackmail the PR head – fiction
7.       Did not believe newspaper has tens of thousands of readers –
8.       Reduce duplicate mention of voice level changes – agree
9.       Questioned why Mrs. Weatherly rose – to make a point physically
10.   Questioned veins in hand pulsing – agree, working
11.   Felt Collins’ leverage was weak, and thought Weatherly tell her to f765 off

BAM member –
2.       Felt if reporter personality was this strong, determined she might not even approach school officials and just go undercover with a disguise – agree, may change back to that approach
3.       Change name of sub-division and school – agree
4.       Confused by reporter mention of male and female source – reporter trying to be evasive, protect source

BAM member –
1.       Was uncomfortable with use of actual county, sub-division and school names – agree, will change sub-division and school names
2.       Felt county should give permission for use of its name – disagree
3.       Dialog a lot better – thanks
4.       Improve introduction scene – agree, working
5.       Felt it not credible that a reporter could sneak into school – disagree
6.       Felt reporter or writer might get sued if permission not given – moot question beyond scope of fiction novel
7.       Felt PR would be livid that a reporter would be this threatening –
8.       Suggested mention of hall passes – disagree, enough procedural restraints identified
9.       Questioned why reporter mentioned where PR head lived – to show she did her homework

BAM member –
1.       Name the reporter – Already identified in first sentence
2.       Reduce use of adverbs – agree, working
4.       Wanted use of insure, vice ensure – disagree
5.       Why was it important for reporter to say all stories would cite anonymous sources – to show that reporters protect sources
6.       Numerous minor editorial suggestions – agree, working

Thus far my draft has reached 53.1K words and a draft page count of 179, of which 82 have been reviewed.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018


Tessera Trilogy Blog Post 261

BAM 20 August 2018 critique comments

1.       Provide lead in to set scene for Brad’s flashback – agree, working
2.       Explain how they can leave school in terms of SRO, procedures for leaving – agree, working
3.       Dialog too straightforward, suggested subtlety - will rework

BAM member –
3.       Use cat and mouse between Kathy and Brad to come to a deal to work together – agree, working

BAM member –
2.       Use less sexual innuendo between Kathy and Brad – agree, working
3.       Move the revelations outside school – agree, working
5.       Hold back on her multiple identities – agree, working
6.       Felt there were too many characters – Hmm!

BAM member –
1.       Good story – thanks
2.       Show where Brad got facial recognition software – agree, working
3.       Suggested keeping in present tense – disagree. This segment is primarily a flashback to set scene for future action
4.       Numerous minor editorial suggestions – agree, working

1.       Are these new characters – No, introduced long time ago.
2.       Dialog does not sound like teenagers – true, however she is in mid-twenties and he’s a bright geek
3.       Reduce revelations that she is a credit card thief – agree, working
4.       Reduce details of their too detailed, physical descriptions – agree, working
5.       Minor editorial suggestions – working

External reviewer –
1.       Reword extensively – agree, working
2.       Establish settings for conversation – agree, working
3.       You should have one narrator attach the thoughts to Brad – agree, working
4.       Identify speakers of all dialog if not evident – agree, working
5.       Explain why Kathy is explaining her investigative process to Brad – agree, working
6.       Use boys and girls, vice males and females – agree, working
7.       Reduce or explain Kathy’s intentional visibility at school – agree, working
8.       Meth lords wouldn’t have a Dark Web site – agree, working
9.       Remove Brad’s Dark Net identity – agree, working
10.   Reduce technical detail used by characters – agree, working
11.   Describe how characters interact – agree, working
12.   Reduce formality of dialog – agree, working
13.   Show why Alexa wants to work with Brad – agree, working
14.   Minor editorial suggestions – agree, working
