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Tuesday, June 13, 2017


Tessera Trilogy Blog Post 227

The working draft of The Next One now stands at 98 pages reviewed.

BAM 12 June 2017 critique comments

BAM member –
1.      Good addition – thanks
2.      Minor editorial suggestions – agree
3.      Took a long time to tell us the FBI weren’t taking the case – agree, want to create uncertainty
4.      Reduce duplicate mentions of status, facts – working, there were two separate meetings
5.      Identify credit card as Visa, AMEX – agree, working

BAM member –
1.      Liked that flow slowed – to cover uncertainty
2.      He saw Adnan, Hamid and Dammit as clearly being Jihadis – I’m trying to create uncertainty
3.      Minor editorial suggestions – agree
4.      Make the FBI agents meatier, more detail – working, but not priority

BAM member –
1.      Glad to see Mick and Mo running into obstacles for FBI investigation – agree, working
2.      Clarify whether Adnan et Hamid had jobs - agree
3.      Explain how drinking beer was normal – agree, working
4.      Asked why Agent De La Luz wasn’t assigned a first name – forced formality
5.      Numerous editorial suggestions – agree
6.      Nicely done - thanks

BAM member –
1.      Good continuation – thanks
2.      Minor editorial suggestion – agree

Consensus of critics – Have FBI agents argue, among selves, as to whether some bit of Intel was enough to commit resources – agree, working. Added that Adnan’s credit statement showed rental of pickup truck, storage locker.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017


Tessera Trilogy Blog Post 226

The working draft of The Next One now stands at 95 pages reviewed.

Just finished a re-read of David Baldacci’s Stone Cold. Great story, lots of twists, intrigue, and tension. Highly recommended. Am now reading David Alan Miles Balfour and the Shadow Pirate, his first novel. 


BAM 05 June 2017 critique comments

A free form after critique followed the regular critique, which stressed that the reviewers thought Mick and Mo appeared as unsuccessful detectives, even as Keystone Cops. I confessed that that had been my intent, to build a tension between the FBI’s need for “proof” and what Area 52 had put together to brief the FBI on. I has even considered using the description Keystone Cops myself, but felt it should be too suggestive. 

At the meeting I was wearing a back brace. Upon being asked about it, I mentioned that my family has an apparent pre-disposition for back problems.  A discussion followed concerning current legislation before Congress and restrictions for “pre-existing” conditions.

BAM member –
1.      Good addition, eliminate dialogue tags – agree, working
2.      Minor editorial suggestions – agree
3.      Questioned why knowing calls made is of interest – to discover who Adnan was talking to
4.      Questioned why the software “came in handy” – to trace cell phone calls, discover collaborators
5.      Explain about “taking LA back to the Stone Age” – agree, rewritten to foreshadow of a possible terrorist mass casualty event
6.      Questioned use of humorous name, Dammit for Damadh, for potential terrorist – author choice
7.      Change period to question mark - agree

BAM member –
1.      Concerned that Mick and Mo seem like Keystone Cops – was my intent, and their discovery of evidence is just beginning
2.      Questioned data available from gas receipt – agree, changed to finding an open credit card bill
3.      Minor editorial suggestions – agree
4.      Reduce mention of what characters are about to do, then showing it – agree, working
5.      Correct POV problem – agree
6.      Questioned concern, or foreshadowing about Mo being a Saudi – I’m foreshadowing upcoming meeting with FBI
7.      Felt Mick and Mo had no proof – agree, I’m building case on little evidence, foreshadowing future/imminent discovery
8.      Questioned that “car registration was falsified” wasn’t mentioned – disagree; wrong address, empty lot noted

BAM member –
1.      Not enough action, all conversation – agree, working
2.      Flowed well – thanks
3.      Little action -
4.      Nice description - thanks
5.      Minor editorial suggestion – agree
6.      Questioned why Mick felt exposed – will improve his fear of being seen or being taped breaking into Adnan’s car
7.      Missed some of the humor
8.      Clarify laptop ownership and movements – Both George and Mick used them, then Mick used a tablet to break into Adnan’s car

BAM member –
1.      Not enough action – agree, am foreshadowing
2.      Had difficulty remembering which characters involved - disagree
3.      Minor editorial suggestions – agree
4.      Asked who Judy is – not in this segment, she’s the lead of a unit in an FBI Joint Anti-Terrorist Task Force
5.      Clarify laptop ownership and movements – Both George and Mick used them, then Mick used a tablet to break into Adnan’s car

BAM member –
1.      Flowed well, good continuation – thanks
2.      Include more action – thanks
3.      No written comments