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Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Editorial critiques from review of draft segments from Sooley Base

1)       Editorial suggestions – agree; in process

2)      Eliminate use of viewgraphs, slides – disagree, part of genre

3)      Minimize use of BOLDING for emphasis – partially agree, part of  technical genre

4)      Minimize exclamation points as emphasis – agree, in process

5)      Set the scene better – agree, in process

6)      Reduce technical narrative – agree in part

7)      Incorporate character reactions – agree, in process

8)      Increase tension in segments – agree, in process

9)       Use less poetic language – agree; in process

10)   Improve flow – agree, in process

11)   Accentuate character personalities – agree, in process

12)   Identify speakers – agree, in process

13)   Read dialogue for effect before finalizing – agree, in process

These suggestions come at a point where the majority of the novel is in final draft, yet they expose segments which need help before going to market. 

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