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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Blog entry 67

I’ve been devoting time, probably too much, to recycling some computers. The majority, after removing personal data, removing old or unusable software, and updating as best possible given the hardware constraints – will be distributed to several friends for donation.

Another “Hints for the Holidays” follows. These will sequence through the entire novel, not telling the entire story, but providing glimpses that will tantalize.

Each crewmember in turn and always when awake or on deck, watched for birds of any shape, size or color. They prayed to see one swoop over the ship, squawking in an unknowable language, no doubt telling the gods of these people from the sands.

Each day started with morning, like the one before, and before, and before that. Most days he detected no visible change, nothing to distinguish this day from another but a storm. Nothing interrupted the numbing monotony that lingered week on week.

Today that changed.
Golden Gate approaches its introduction – HUZZAH!!!

Received 12/13/2011 - It takes about 10 business days for us to turn the file into an eBook, so if all goes well we should have that ready and complete later this week so that we can start delivery for you late this week and early next week.  Amazon and iBooks take about 2-4 days to go live, so it should be starting to show up around mid to late week next week at some of the stores!

If you decide to purchase Golden Gate I’d be very interested in your suggestions. You can provide them to or post them to the blog . THANKS!

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