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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Blog entry 72

Well, it’s been awhile since I discussed progress on Sooley Base, the second novel of the Tessera Trilogy.  I’ve been converting my many scribbled notes, with new character names, scenes, dialogue ideas, and action into several Word documents. Have also taken a separate set of notes and imposed a tentative sequence of action, so the notes will be in rough order of appearance in the novel. Now I need to merge these two sets, and insert them into the very rough chapterization I came up with months ago. This should, over a week or two, give me a rough draft to work with. I’ve no idea of word count at this time, but anticipate the full novel will max out at about 100 to 125,000 words.  Wish me luck, and a minimum of distractions. 

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Blog entry 71

Another “Hints for the Holidays” follows. These will sequence through the entire novel, not telling the entire story, but providing glimpses that will tantalize.

Padrick Marcus Michael O’Toole, AKA Tooley, was frequently the first suspect of the police. His acknowledged pranks included lighting a bonfire across a road on Halloween and hanging rotten pumpkins at windshield level above those same roads weeks later. He was suspected of chaining the rear axle of Lieutenant Libby’s car to a tree one night. Nothing was proven; the case remained humorously open.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Blog entry 70

Another “Hints for the Holidays” follows. These will sequence through the entire novel, not telling the entire story, but providing glimpses that will tantalize.

They met at the town jail to update the HUA files. These files were tales of the most recent incidences of concern in the town and were at once sad, joyous, or evil to their core. Shared with smirks and laughter by the towns’ police, each file included some tale of assault, juvenile prank, robbery, suspicious fire, even the occasional instance of citizen bravery and courage. The files were the usual sort of shit only shitbirds could bring to such a small town. The suspects or perpetrators were all documented in excruciating detail. Barely one drawer at the jail held the HUA files, about and by people who evidently had their Heads Up their Ass because of what they did, or the excuses they blurted out for whatever event had transpired.

If you decide to purchase Golden Gate I’d be very interested in your suggestions. You can provide them to or post them to the blog . OR, you can post them on the Barnes and Noble, or Amazon book sales websites. THANKS!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Blog entry 69

Well its real, its for sale … What you say! What is for sale?

Golden Gate, the first of the thrilling novels of The Tessera Trilogy by author DP Tolan. 

Check it out – on, on Sony’s ebookstore, on Barnes and Noble. Just Google DP Tolan or Golden Gate at any of these websites and you’ll be on the edge of your seats.
                   He woke frantically - Why were Arabia's worst terrorists
              working at a gold mine, and were America's nuclear wastes
              really buried beneath its sands?

Weblinks to purchase Golden Gate by DP Tolan  –

               Another bit of the novel’s web unfolds –  Hint for the Holidays -

Some  stories endured, others forgotten, whispered only among the select few, as the books were condemned or burned.

Which were true? Were any true, or was each a will of the wisp? If they told of shame did they diminish; from ego did they embellish? The teller told, but the listener edited all, the small, the great … the tragic, the fabled … the comic and the sad. The tales were told, and re-told - they endured. They were shared, passed down, from generation to generation, treasured by both the teller and the listener. The fabric remained, but the threads were torn, rewoven, dyed a different shade, ‘til the design seemed worn and inscrutable, difficult to discern.


Friday, December 16, 2011

Blog entry 68

Another Hint for the Holidays

Beyond the piers Gilgash walked, shopped, buying foods and sampling the spices of this pleasant place. He bartered for local coins and cinnamon of his own. Hearing music nearby he walked to listen. The sounds of wooden drums and stringed instruments entered his body, making him move to its rthym. Dancers jumped over swords to the rhythm, accompanied by the high pitched chant of a woman. Around the performers banners of saffron, red and gold billowed in the breeze.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Blog entry 67

I’ve been devoting time, probably too much, to recycling some computers. The majority, after removing personal data, removing old or unusable software, and updating as best possible given the hardware constraints – will be distributed to several friends for donation.

Another “Hints for the Holidays” follows. These will sequence through the entire novel, not telling the entire story, but providing glimpses that will tantalize.

Each crewmember in turn and always when awake or on deck, watched for birds of any shape, size or color. They prayed to see one swoop over the ship, squawking in an unknowable language, no doubt telling the gods of these people from the sands.

Each day started with morning, like the one before, and before, and before that. Most days he detected no visible change, nothing to distinguish this day from another but a storm. Nothing interrupted the numbing monotony that lingered week on week.

Today that changed.
Golden Gate approaches its introduction – HUZZAH!!!

Received 12/13/2011 - It takes about 10 business days for us to turn the file into an eBook, so if all goes well we should have that ready and complete later this week so that we can start delivery for you late this week and early next week.  Amazon and iBooks take about 2-4 days to go live, so it should be starting to show up around mid to late week next week at some of the stores!

If you decide to purchase Golden Gate I’d be very interested in your suggestions. You can provide them to or post them to the blog . THANKS!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Blog Entry 66

More characters, the plotline and sequencing for Sooley Base are being worked, for this second novel in The Tessera Trilogy. As the ideas for character names come to me I add them to my character list. One character has to be a Chinese merchant sailor whose revelations tie to another character. To make him more interesting I’ve decided he is really of Mongolian blood from a rural farming community. To fit in and remain undiscovered he must assume the identity of a Han Chinese. Thought you’d be interested in that. Most of these ideas spring forth and get scribbled on notes, then are transcribed into a Word document for revision and insertion into the appropriate place in Sooley Base. I’ll continue to put notes about the writing process on this blog.

A friend provided a number of used monitors and the rest of the gadgets comprising what will become recycled computer systems. Am working my way through them, cannibalizing parts and deleting personal data so these beasts can have a new life. Just another shiny object on the path interrupting progress on Sooley Base.

This morning it was 22 friggin degrees out …. YUKKEE!!

Another “Hints for the Holidays” follows. These will sequence through the entire novel, not telling the entire story, but providing glimpses that will tantalize.

On rising Marcus snuggled next to Amrah, then gave her a large gold Roman coin; she gave him an ancient gold coin engraved with gods dancing to a flute.  He quickly learned to treasure the incense she used to perfume their hair … frankincense and myrrh, burned in a vase with coals. At night she ground grains and nuts to extract their oils, mixed this with myrrh and frankincense to make a body ointment – sensual and lingering on the evening wind. She also burned sandalwood to scent their room. The fragrance smelled as if they lived with the very gods. 

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Blog entry 65

Another “Hints for the Holidays” follows. These will sequence through the entire novel, not telling the entire story, but providing glimpses that will tantalize.

The officers gathered, sat in front of Marcus and glanced from side to side, studying what would be their battlefield in the coming days. Ever cocky, they now wondered if they would see another dawn.  Before them stretched the endless red sands, intolerable heat, and the tan colors of a horizon marking a slowly approaching battle. Death and dying could stretch out on every hand; would they be called to the gods? These veterans, tired from the previous day’s efforts gathered to consider the battle that lay ahead. They loosened their leggings, resting weary calves and feet … and sat as though transfixed. What tales would these sands tell, if they could but speak?

Below posted on Facebook

Per Wikipedia - A tagline is a variant of a branding slogan typically used in marketing materials and advertising. The idea behind the concept is to create a memorable phrase that will sum up the tone and premise of a brand or product (like a film), or to reinforce the audience's memory of a product. Some taglines are successful enough to warrant inclusion in popular culture.

A friend selected one from a list of possible taglines for Golden Gate – what do you think? Here it is! It will be used on and other e-book marketers.

He woke frantically - Why were Arabia’s worst terrorists working at a gold mine, and were America’s nuclear wastes really buried beneath its sands?

28 frickin degress out this morning, 4 Dec 2011. Shiver … shiver

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Blog entry 64

Golden Gate

The Tessera Trilogy begins

The officers walked across the dark red sands of the camp, suppressing fears of the coming battles. They walked with confidence, adjusting their weapons and chatting idly among themselves, confident their battle experience – with no defeats – would mean an easy, quick defeat of this “rabble.” Their certainty of victory spread to their men, confident the coming battle would be a rout of their barbarian foes. They were wrong in their certainty. 

Here the novel and the trilogy start. I leave it to your imagination as to the setting and time frame.  Does it build interest and suspense?

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Blog entry 63


About my writing process, I’ve been doing Word searches for selected words that can weaken a novel. I’ve been searching for and eliminating, revising the wording around or leaving such words as “it”, “some”, “soon”, “had” (too passive), and “just.” The final revisions are incorporated; the final word count is only 92,768! Apparently I miscounted, along the way. Golden Gate is ready for Prime Time and stands at 190 pages including the glossary.

Other big news – I sent a few questions to the Amazon associates program, planning to grease the skids for marketing. The response took the wind out of my sails briefly. It turns out the Amazon associates program isn’t for marketing a book, and appears to be a cash source based on links with Amazon widgets for visit fees; I’ve decided to drop that affiliation.

Good news - A fellow RWG member suggested as a way to e- market my novels. Actually several RWG members mentioned it. That site/ business provides distribution packages, including editing, marketing and the full range of commercially focused efforts to sell intellectual products. Am investigating it, and will query RWG members as to their feelings of its legitimacy.

Have found out from a rep at that they require a novel have an ISBN for them to sell it. Am investigating whether a UPC Bare Code is required; it is typically placed on outside back cover of the book. Bar Codes are sold through, as are ISBNs in the USA. Bar codes are $25.00 each (per title/ISBN). ISBNs are sold singularly, or in blocks of 10, 100, or 1,000. I am researching pricing and availability of a block of ten ISBNs. charges $99.00 per book to be sold, and coupled with ISBN and bar code fees I’m looking at roughly $250.00 or more to get started.

I’ve decided on an initial price of $3.99 for Golden Gate. At that price point I would receive a 70 percent royalty on copies sold. Have gone with, as they can provide an ISBN for $19.00 as part of e-publishing package. The GREEN bolded insert below from rep verifies receipt of my novel and payment today, 01 December 2011.

I can indeed confirm that a payment came though, so this is now officially booked into my team as BK00004838!  Our team will begin to review everything for you now just to make sure it is in great shape!  I am showing that a payment of $118 was received on our side well.

I intend to include bits of Golden Gate, I am calling them “Hints for the Holidays” as part of regular blog posts. They will sequence through the entire novel, not telling the entire story, but providing glimpses that will tantalize.