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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Blog entry 62

Revised GG word count 11/13/2011 – (chpt 21 count to 2118) = 95,446

Revised GG word count 11/14/2011 – (chpt 22 count to 2913) = 95,322

Revised GG word count 11/15/2011 – (chpt 22 count to 2965) = 95,374

Revised GG word count 11/15/2011 – (chpt 27/28 count to 1540) = 95,615

Revised GG word count 11/16/2011 – (chpt 21 count to 2421) = 95,918

Revised GG word count 11/18/2011 – (chpt 27/28 count to 1619) = 96,238

Revised GG word count 11/21/2011 – (chpt 35 count to 6228) = 97,930

Revised GG word count 11/21/2011 – (chpt 36 count to 3861) = 98,877

I have been remiss, my better half tells me, by being too technical in blogging about the progress of Golden Gate. I included the chapter by chapter updates and resultant word counts (see above), but failed to mention the actual writing processes at play. Let me correct that error.

I’ve been rewriting those chapters, initially hoping for completion by Black Friday. That date is unreachable, so I’ve slipped to the end of 2011. This assumes, and we all recognize the dangers of an assumption, that submitting a PDF format novel to electronically would open the gates for vast numbers of my literary fans to stampede to and buy Golden Gate for the paltry sum of $.99. See the Associate at the bottom of this blog.

Along the way I saw the movie Julie and Julia again. It was viewed from my favorite place and position, on the couch with my right foot elevated. Am still struggling with crutches and having to hobble around as my right heel fracture mends. There have been benefits, and bright shiny objects.

The most fascinating object has been a squirrel. He (or she, as I can’t see identifying parts to be convinced of either case) has been regularly grabbing my interest on the railing of our deck. Last week he/she was sunbathing. I kid you not. Stretched out flat on the railing with his tail wiggling in the sunlight he sat for five or more minutes, daring me to find a good camera. I did take pictures with my cell phone, but through the glass windows it was imperfect at capturing him/her. And just the other day he/she sat on the railing, chewing on an acorn – and I swear – was belching. I could actually see his stomach move after he finished an acorn. Could it be that squirrels belch? Was he teasing me? Did he/she know I was watching?

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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Blog entry 61

Chapter 21, revision I was read at the November 2011 RWG meeting. Critique comments and author response is noted below.

Very supportive comments were received. Samples are noted below:
RWG member 1 – keeps my attention; best work yet. Action can be visualized
            RWG member 2 - page 3, next to last paragraph – great description
                                     page 5, “something was off” – great description
            RWG member 3 - Vivid; could picture hooks going up. Well done!
                        Written like for a movie

Inputs on revision I, are in the process of being considered for incorporation.

RWG member 2  –
            Paragraph 1 – in last sentence check usage of “as” – done
            Page 2 – reduce of repetitive “hook” – done
            Page 3 – “over the side” used twice – done
            Remove usage of “C-141” – done

RWG member 3 –
Consider usage of “weenie” – reject

RWG member 1 –
            Suggested use other than “mischief in their minds” as cliché– done
                        (Will use suggested “minds set on mayhem”)
            Asked usage of RPG – reject
            Second paragraph, 3rd line – “imagined” and “pictured” too close – done

RWG member 4  –
Page 1 – Use up, vice upward – done
Page 1 – wrt “the three, “one falling back” – done
Page 2 – top sentences, “to action” – done
            Page 2, “named the spaces” may be superfluous– done
            Page 2 – remove “kin” as sole use of slang – done
            Consider removing “the heartbeat raced” – done
            Search for and reduce usage of “just” – done
            Consider usage of pompous vice “weenie” – reject

Takeaways –
Ensure review for and reduction in use of “just” in wording –
Try to get and keep energy of action higher, consistently

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Blog entry 60

Revised GG word count 11/10/2011 – (chpts. 32/33 count to 3674) = 95,124

Revised GG word count 11/12/2011 – (chpt 20 count to 870) = 95,189

Revised GG word count 11/12/2011 – (chpt 21 count to 2015) = 95,342

Revised GG word count 11/12/2011 – (chpt 23 count to 830) = 95,333

Revised GG word count 11/12/2011 – (chpt 24/25 count to 1350) = 95,343

Chapter 21, revision I will be read at the November 2011 RWG meeting today. Critique comments and author response will be in the next blog entry.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Blog Post 59

Revised GG word count 11/09/2011 – (chpt 29/30 count to 4804) = 94884

Revised GG word count 11/09/2011 – (chpt 31 count to 2766) =94,906

Well here is part of the rest of the story. On the first of November I fell off a ladder while doing maintenance in my garage attic. The ladder slipped out from beneath me as I started to descend. My right heel suffered a minor fracture as it hit one of the ladder rungs and the side rail. The rung and side rail are severely distorted, and I will need to eventually cut off the top to make the ladder reusable.

The event has dramatically altered my life. I hobble around on crutches and sleep on the couch so I can keep my feet elevated – to reduce swelling. My right foot is in a removable cast. My writing has become more concentrated as I can’t do much else. This is both a blessing and a curse as Monk would say on his TV show. I may now finish before Christmas so hope is there. Getting around is quite another thing. Wish me luck. I’ll keep you informed as I hobble along. 

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Blog Post 58

10/25/2011 – completed revisions to chapters 20 and 21 – word count now stands at 91,563.

10/27/2011 – installed bathroom mirror

10/31/2011 - completed revisions to chapter 22 - word count now stands at 92,133

10/31/2011 – completed revisions to chapters 24/25 - word count now stands at = 92,185

10/31/2011 – completed revisions to chapter 26 - word count now stands at 92,852

10/31/2011 – completed revisions to chapter 27/28 - word count now stands at 92,962