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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Progress on the Western Front

The correct double vanity is now at our home, and another RWG critique session (see below) has given me lots of suggestions. Isn't life wonderful?
Worked on updating Golden Gate, cleaning up some minor changes throughout this draft. Have lots of work to do, but may actually make goal of completion, and e-sales by Black Friday.
Golden Gate REV H word count as of 19 August 2011 – 67,599

Editorial critiques from RWG reading at Peace UMC – on Golden Gate REV I

Critiques are from members of RWG.

I noted at start of one RWG member's comments, that this segment (Chapter 10) fits just after the 1800 year leap I am still struggling with.

Generally supportive comments were received -
RWG member – “Great writer”
RWG member – “If the rest of the book is about setting the stage; drop it.” “Best I’ve seen
yet;” has interest; “liked HUA – it was a good tease”

Inputs on ninth revision, see below, are being considered for incorporation.

RWG member 01 –
Separate out the (small) stories and elaborate on the (fewer) best ones – in
Suggest reword “regular recipient, but learned fast” on page 3 – in process
Suggest delete third paragraph page 4 – in process

RWG member 02 –
            Too anecdotal – in process
            Clipped things; take out some and flesh out major ones – in process
            Connect the threads – in process
            You give each equal size; give some more detail – in process
            Need to explain, show why he is doing these things - in process
            Splain what drives him - in process

RWG member 03 –
            Trouble figuring out POV - in process
            Page 2, et al – too much use of “Tooley” - in process
            Use fewer stories; tie them together - in process

RWG member 04 –
            Leave out reference to Bogey; he didn’t say it – in process
            Is the Priest running a parish really called the “Pastor?” – reject
            On page 5, guy with leather balls – over the top – Done
            Start here; use earlier parts as flashbacks – reject
            Various editorial changes – in process

RWG member 05 –
            If Tooley is main character, give glimpses, rather than long stream of back stories
-         in process
Identify the “they” in first paragraph - in process
Various editorial changes – in process
Add AKA or Also known as for Tooley– in process
Identify the Lieutenant by name – in process
Change spelling of Maa to Ma – reject (Irish usage)
Various editorial changes – in process

RWG member 06 –
            Define HUA sooner - in process
            “Nothing was proven –“ extraneous - in process
            Who called him Tooley, and Why  reject (O’Toole)
            Too frequent use of Tooley - in process
            Use Tooley, vice Padrick page 2 - in process
            Assumes knowledge of Navy jargon - in process
            Introduce timeline (sixties) earlier - in process
            Give an example of what made the Firsties squirm - in process
            Explain why he chose cryptography - in process
            Explain why he was so good at times - in process
            You started with viewpoint of State Troopers; why did POV change - in process
            Add movement, flow (is in chunks now) - in process
            Splain what is in the mind of Tooley - in process

RWG member 07 –
            Didn’t like HUA files discussion – reject (humor)
            Spell out HUA upfront - in process
            Written as a narrative; would like to see dialogue - in process
            Check point of view (POV) - in process
            Uncomfortable with “humorously open” – reject (obvious)
            Change “eluded” – Done
            Use flashbacks to tie together - in process
            Minor editorial changes – Done
            Reduce use of “whale shit in the ocean” – reject (author choice)
            Reduce use of Firsties – reject
            Reduce emphasis on Naval terminology  will review
            Change “showing off” page 5 - in process
            Flow missing - in process
            Elaborate on individual actions - in process
            Include more dialogue – in process
            Pages two and three ramble – in process
            Intel or Intell – in process
            Splain the reason page 5 stench was humorous, mids driven away  reject
            Add “cryptography specialist” as definition of crypie – Done

Take aways – convert rambling, frenetic narrative to active dialogue

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