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Monday, October 15, 2012

Blog Post 95

The Tessera Trilogy  

Three weekends ago we were out walking at a local National Park. We chanced upon a small kitten, struggling out of brush by the side of a wood. Its golden color attracted my eye as it dragged itself from the brush. After resisting the urge to pick it up we noticed from its movements that its rear legs (or hips) were severely injured. The location of the local SPCA was determined with the assistance of a biker. I gingerly picked up the kitty and put it in a plastic container to keep it from being stepped on and we headed off to the SPCA.

They welcomed us, but said there was no room at the Inn, and checked the kitty, which purred in supplication for shelter. The SPCA folks determined that Kitty needed shots and probably surgery on her hind quarters. We were told to check the County Animal Shelter, and anxiously headed there. A sign o0n its door stated bluntly: No Cats accepted. Apprehension became my major sensation.

A very pleasant women at the door asked about Kitty, who purred as she examined its darkened right leg. Despite increased anxiety occasioned by her Love Pit Bull tee shirt, my fears disappeared as she said she would take Kitty if the shelter didn’t, even suggesting she’d have its rear leg amputated and proper care given at an older age. It was a welcome end to a period of anxiety over our newly found friend.

My efforts at writing have been few and far between, but recently I’ve consolidated several segments into draft chapters, and renamed those chapters. Lots of work ahead.

An author (Richard Ford) was recently interviewed on BBC America and was asked how easy it was to become an internationally known author. He said it all, paraphrasing here  – “You have to marry the perfect partner, one who loves your writing or supports you … or totally ignores your efforts. Then you have to be sober, not poor, never get sick, an d have lots of time. Lastly you must have a consummate command of words.”  Wish me luck with these!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Blog post 94

The one page, double spaced segment below was reviewed at RWG meeting 10/13/2012.
Two men strode toward the building ahead and the journey beyond. Aware of the power of a dragon, they moved with purpose, their mission a closely held secret. Like Aladdin, these travelers from the desert sands knew the duality of such power. Storytellers recorded that if a dragon escaped its bonds, it could turn on its masters and devour them. One could use them, but only at great risk and after considering the power so constrained.  The journey to acquire such influence held dangers of its own, as ancients knew from the tale of Pandora’s Box.
The expedition began, with these desert princes journeying to distant lands. The brothers were uncertain what would emerge, but prayed they could bargain for what suited their needs. When ones’ neighbor bought a dragon, one need acquire one in self defense, or steal theirs.
Over the terminal’s structure the sun rose, the glint from the sun’s rays offering God’s splendor and blessings. The Call to Prayer resounded from the Muzzeine in his minaret – “God is great.” The reminder to pray echoed from the speakers in each corner of the terminal. All heard but few prayed openly; the brothers were consumed with a more worldly concern.
                “I worry about those bastards across the water” Hamid, the eldest, told his sibling. “They keep killing each other off, buying new weapons, threatening us with their new toys.” He frowned, concern on his face. “We go to do what we must. There is no other avenue, no alternative. Our journey will complete our plans.”
Of eleven entries reviewed by Guest Speaker Joanne Liggan, above received a B minus grade. Three entries were graded lower at C (two) or C minus (one). A comment offered was that a poet of note in RWG has a garage filled with printed copies of his poems, awaiting buyers.
The following comments were offered:
1.        Concern with use of dragon as metaphor, or real life weapon system
2.       Not enough of story in first page
3.       RWG member  – What is coming in story?
4.       RWG member  – pompously written
5.       JRWG member  – I was interested when heard of “bastards across the water.”
6.       RWG member  liked use of metaphor
7.       RWG member  – put “those bastards” as first sentence
8.       RWG member  – turned off  by use of fantasy metaphor (dragons)
9.       RWG member  – dragon metaphor too strong (dominant)
Joanne Liggan, author of a Romantic Saga Family Trilogy, offered these insights into successful writing. Selling a book, interesting buyers, is like Opening a store. She called it the Grand Opening. The author needs a location, store – the setting.
Locate the store – Set the story in a setting
Set up the store – Introduce the plot and characters
Stock the shelves – complete a first draft, to conclusion
Go back (restock) – create best opening and ending lines –these should have same theme. This
 not an absolute, as many successful authors evolve their characters and story.

First sentence must be a hook, grabbers – develop interest, draw the reader in
First line should describe what will follow, make it inevitable
First line – declarative (not hard and fast) – but must pose a question in reader’s mind
An author may set up the story with an echo of the content of book

Insights gained and ideas
Open Mike timing – a three page, double spaced paper corresponds roughly to five minutes
Watch for repetitive use of words – that, he, they, etc..
Incorporate description of brothers at start
Posturing, gesturing, putting on the dog

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Tessera Trilogy blog 93

Progress on the second novel of the Tessera Trilogy, Sooley Base, continues with characters being developed, dialogues flushed out, and the author’s frenetic mind scrambling to make progress on the novel. Keep your fingers crossed and become a follower of this blog, and read Golden Gate.

Working to turn lemons to lemonade. An upgrade to prime PC involved uninstalling Office XP Small Business, which lacked Power Point program. The second phase was installing Office 2007 Student and Home Edition, which has Power Point. The problem was that the newer version lacked the desktop shortcut bar, so to open a Word document one has to activate Word, then “OPEN” each document, then re-save as a Word document. It was a lengthy and time consuming effort. But it is mostly done for the many Word documents.

This effort caused re-examination of the many fragments, and draft chapters of Sooley Base. The effort showed lots of work to insert meaningful dialogue, re-sequence the fragments into appropriate segment of the novel. The work goes on.

The day at volunteer job allowed me to spend time working on Sooley Base, although completing it before Black Friday or even the end of the year remains a moot question.

Here, to the thrill of family, friends, and fans, is another segment from Golden Gate, the first novel of The Tessera Trilogy.

They ended up saying good night hours later, Tooley giving Chaywallah his business card. The card read Roger Stansfield, and gave an office number in Riyadh and several phone numbers.  “I’d be glad to help you if I can. I fly back to Riyadh in the morning, how about you?”

“I have to leave in the morning. I’m flying back to Dammam and then driving on to Ad Dawaidimi.” They had shared sad stories, built a bond of their sorrows. Tooley’s were from years before, Chaywallah’s from the present. Tooley worried … what if I give him bad advice? I could get him burned … even blow my cover.

Tooley felt a warm glow … I have this guy by the balls. He wanted more.  “I know someone who might be interested, for a price, to buy those negatives. They might be interested in other investigative work you do.”

Stefano looked at him …”Like what?”

Then Stefano’s ears heard Roger say, turned slowly and asked - “What is Tunnel Eight?”

Stefano suddenly stopped and looked cautiously at Roger; he knew he’d said too much. I’m hanging over the edge of a cliff, dangling from a rope, and Roger controls that rope. Does he have a knife?

Our writers group annual Parade of Prose occurs today. I will advertise Golden Gate, and may inject several five minute readings of either Golden Gate, or that and a draft segment from Sooley Base. Wish me luck … and sales.

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