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Friday, January 20, 2012

Blog 74 posting

Distractions, that’s what accounts for my lack of discernible literary output. It’s not a writers’ block, but distractions.

For two months I spent much of each day laying on the couch, my feet raised to reduce the swelling of my right ankle. I hobbled around on crutches. Now I’m getting back to life. The crutches have been returned to our neighbor. Thanks “Momma.”

I got to last Saturday’s Writers Group meeting, even got mild supportive comments when I mentioned Golden Gate was available online as an e-book. The group roasted one of its elder members, a poet of state, regional award status.

I can drive again and my physical therapist says if I stay dedicated to the routines he provided I shouldn’t have to return. My ankle feels better. Surprisingly one of the sets I’m supposed to do is the Standard Field sobriety test … putting one foot in front of the other and walking five paces without the appearance of being uncoordinated. I failed my first several attempts. Strange to think that a broken ankle or heel could do this … but!!!

Am now working to repair a ceiling hole created to fix my shower drain problem. My shower drain leaked, but the leak is now “fissed.” Soon the patch will be re-installed and life will be good.

Word count on Sooley Base now stands at around 37,000 as I merge, reorganize, and rewrite small segments of the novel. I keep plugging away at it, so a deadline of the Fall seems attainable. Wish me luck!

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