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Friday, January 20, 2012

Blog 75 posting

Another “Hints for the Holidays” follows. These will sequence through the entire novel, not telling the entire story, but providing glimpses from Golden Gate that will tantalize.

First LT Moshe Ben Badoo was wingman in this section of Israeli aircraft, flying in trail of Captain David by about a half mile, and lined up on Liberty’s starboard beam. Both were on the deck at just a hundred feet, in their second run. It was scary flying at this altitude, something he’d never done over water. His French-built Mirage fighter/bomber was well suited to this attack. Adrenaline took care of any fear Moshe felt as he lined up on the ship’s starboard midsection again ... and closed his trigger. His 30mm cannons opened up, tracers arching to the ship in his cross hairs.

Quickly his eyes glanced up to those gauges. He gasped as he saw them. Numerous cockpit gauges turned red - warnings of imminent failure. He radioed Captain David, “I’m hit and am punching out. Get the PT boats to pick me up.”

He jerked up straight and activated the ejection switch. His body blasted through the protective canopy cover. He soon hung from his parachute and watched the attack continue on Liberty. At least I get to see our attack. What he saw from his life raft caused him to choke, PT boats making strafing runs, jets continuing their attack, small explosions from cannon rounds, and smoke enveloping the ship. Above Liberty he saw … a large American flag. How can this be?

Your comments are welcome. Thanks

Blog 74 posting

Distractions, that’s what accounts for my lack of discernible literary output. It’s not a writers’ block, but distractions.

For two months I spent much of each day laying on the couch, my feet raised to reduce the swelling of my right ankle. I hobbled around on crutches. Now I’m getting back to life. The crutches have been returned to our neighbor. Thanks “Momma.”

I got to last Saturday’s Writers Group meeting, even got mild supportive comments when I mentioned Golden Gate was available online as an e-book. The group roasted one of its elder members, a poet of state, regional award status.

I can drive again and my physical therapist says if I stay dedicated to the routines he provided I shouldn’t have to return. My ankle feels better. Surprisingly one of the sets I’m supposed to do is the Standard Field sobriety test … putting one foot in front of the other and walking five paces without the appearance of being uncoordinated. I failed my first several attempts. Strange to think that a broken ankle or heel could do this … but!!!

Am now working to repair a ceiling hole created to fix my shower drain problem. My shower drain leaked, but the leak is now “fissed.” Soon the patch will be re-installed and life will be good.

Word count on Sooley Base now stands at around 37,000 as I merge, reorganize, and rewrite small segments of the novel. I keep plugging away at it, so a deadline of the Fall seems attainable. Wish me luck!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Blog 73 posting

Liberty, besides being his ships’ name, was Navy parlance for temporary time off in port to blow off steam. Don’t I need to do that occasionally? What is an Irishman to do, sit onboard and play poker?

The recon aircraft circled the ship several times just below the clouds, which extended all the way to the shore of Israel. This diversion, all that changed the dull routine of steaming to this part of the Med, was the most exciting part of Tooley’s otherwise boring watch. Today was a hot Mediterranean day underway off Israel, but he sensed a difference in the expressions of fellow bridge watch standers. They were far more apprehensive than during those days of steaming.