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Saturday, April 30, 2011

The wife, as my oldest frere would put it, received flowers yesterday from a patient. I never received flowers in any of my jobs. Hmm … does that make me a bad person, or just underappreciated?

Achieved two important milestones in the shiny object department:  achieved a weight goal of 180 pounds, and completed the installation of Reflectix ® radiant barrier on the roof trusses of our garage and house attics.

At the volunteer job I was able to do some very rough updates to segments of Golden Gate ©.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The blog may suffer a change in appearance as selected “widgets” are inserted to foster publicity and eventually generate a revenue stream. Does anyone have a device to count mils?

Those shiny objects - I continue to delay any substantive work on Golden Gate © as I do yard work, the attic effort and continue nibbling on the master bath, so the goal of publishing via the blog on Black Friday may be a too hard objective.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Became an Associate to enable ability to use Tessera Trilogy blog site for advertising of the novels and provide an avenue to market novels.

That shiny object again; this time is was installing Reflectix ® radiant barrier in the garage attic. It took about three slow weeks, as the space was cramped, I’m old , and the weather varied from frigid to cold to warm, to roasting, Now, with offspring’s’ help, it was completed this very morning. Now the larger house attic awaits.

I still hope to work on the rewrite of Golden Gate ©.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Tooley woke from a dream, a story spanning millennia. Was it real? Did he want it to be?
A dedicated NAM vet, now CIA operative, had just watched his brother-in-law die at sea. Pirates, strangely, were the culprits. He and Hung were guarding a secret shipment of American nuclear waste to burial in the deserts of Arabia.

Amir bin Ubaidi, a junior Saudi General was establishing the clandestine Force Ten at an undisclosed location. The CIA, the Mossad, even most parts of the Saudi military were unaware. His first task was to transport The Five to their desert jail. The Five were captured, tried and sentenced to life at hard labor after their broody attacks in Riyadh. Their jail was … at a huge gold mine!

They worked in Tunnel Eight, deep in a complex close to the gold mine unseen by satellites or known of by the world, until … Colonel Khalid close the Arm switch, triggering the remote fuel shut off valve. The helo ahead plummeted from the skies. There were global consequences.

Follow these characters as their stories and lives merge. Golden Gate © will pull you in, and lock the bad guys out!

The reviewer said -
* Read your book cover...gave it to daughter since she reads way more than the rest of
* She said what I was thinking, with no prompt from me.
* Most of the story is summed up in it so there would be no reason to read the book.  It
needs to have open-ended remarks or questions to entice you to want to find out
more of the story and its characters. 
* Maybe u could use a few of the Middle Eastern words/terms that most people don't know what they are in it.

My friend/reviewer suggested going with sales price of first novel at $.99 to establish base of interested readers and fans. Sounds like a good idea.
The Pros and Cons of printed books versus ebooks -
BOOKS Keep them (with one exception). Yes, e-readers are amazing, and yes, they will probably become a more dominant reading platform over time, but consider this about a book: It has a terrific, high-resolution display. It is pretty durable; you could get it a little wet and all would not be lost. It has tremendous battery life. It is often inexpensive enough that, if you misplaced it, you would not be too upset. You can even borrow them free at sites called libraries. Source: Yahoo News 
A friend reviewed a segment of Golden Gate © which had been revised and reviewed. I provided the review comments and the subsequent revised segment. It covered from the end of Chapter 5 through the sub-paragraph titled “The night sky.” His suggestions below

* At start of chapter 6 – “The dialogue makes this better.”
* In middle of “Bitter root”, “The changes make this much better with its details.”
* Later in same sub-paragraph, “This entire section is better with all the added details.”
* At the start of “Danger surrounds”, “This is a lot better with all the added details.”
* When describing the waterspout, he asked, “This spout, does it have some
foreshadowing meaning later or is it for the overboard guy?”

Later we discussed Amanda Hocking, the twenty something writer of paranormal romance novels. I mentioned her success with ebooks, and self-publishing and sales via ebooks. She signed a seven-digit deal with St. Martin’s Press for four novels, her Watersong series. He suggested completing the rewrite of Golden Gate © by Thanksgiving so I can market it on Black Thursday. He said he expects sales of e-book readers to surge.