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Saturday, February 1, 2020


Tessera Trilogy Blog Post 263

Research into Spotsylvania County School system and the fictional ability to pose as a student to uncover drug dealers.

Met and talked with source for over thirty minutes. Helpful, informative, even provided some suggested avenues required to validate a phony student’s ability to go undercover.

“NO GO” in my notes

Thus far my draft has reached 53.1K words and a draft page count of 179, of which 82 have been reviewed.

BAM 27 January 2020 critique comments
1.       Numerous, helpful editorial suggestions – agree, working
2.       Correct POV issues – agree, working

BAM member –
1.       Numerous helpful editorial suggestions – agree, working

BAM member –
1.       Good continuation– thanks
2.       Minor editorial suggestion – agree

Thus far my draft has reached 59K words and a draft page count of 193, of which 65 have been reviewed.

Sunday, September 16, 2018


1.       Show how Mrs. Weatherly was warned – agree, working
2.       Questioned how Weatherly could be aware of newspaper article – she reads
3.       Felt dialog about talking with HS principal was weird – working
4.       Show Weatherly’s reaction to the statement about deaths at meth lab – agree, working
5.       Clarify why Collins said the address of PR head – to show she’d researched the woman, to intimidate her
6.       Questioned whether reporter would “illegally” enter school or blackmail the PR head – fiction
7.       Did not believe newspaper has tens of thousands of readers –
8.       Reduce duplicate mention of voice level changes – agree
9.       Questioned why Mrs. Weatherly rose – to make a point physically
10.   Questioned veins in hand pulsing – agree, working
11.   Felt Collins’ leverage was weak, and thought Weatherly tell her to f765 off

BAM member –
2.       Felt if reporter personality was this strong, determined she might not even approach school officials and just go undercover with a disguise – agree, may change back to that approach
3.       Change name of sub-division and school – agree
4.       Confused by reporter mention of male and female source – reporter trying to be evasive, protect source

BAM member –
1.       Was uncomfortable with use of actual county, sub-division and school names – agree, will change sub-division and school names
2.       Felt county should give permission for use of its name – disagree
3.       Dialog a lot better – thanks
4.       Improve introduction scene – agree, working
5.       Felt it not credible that a reporter could sneak into school – disagree
6.       Felt reporter or writer might get sued if permission not given – moot question beyond scope of fiction novel
7.       Felt PR would be livid that a reporter would be this threatening –
8.       Suggested mention of hall passes – disagree, enough procedural restraints identified
9.       Questioned why reporter mentioned where PR head lived – to show she did her homework

BAM member –
1.       Name the reporter – Already identified in first sentence
2.       Reduce use of adverbs – agree, working
4.       Wanted use of insure, vice ensure – disagree
5.       Why was it important for reporter to say all stories would cite anonymous sources – to show that reporters protect sources
6.       Numerous minor editorial suggestions – agree, working

Thus far my draft has reached 53.1K words and a draft page count of 179, of which 82 have been reviewed.